急求:牛津高中英语模块六unilt2 reading 翻译!


Boy missing,police puzzled 男孩失踪,警方迷惑

Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old-boy 美国警方现已加紧对一名15岁失踪男孩的搜索,
who went missing two days ago in Dover,New Hampshire.该男孩于两天前在新罕布什尔州的多佛事失踪。
People have shown great interest in his disappearance 公众对男孩的失踪表现出极大的兴趣,
due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky 原因是有人声称看到天空中出现了让人迷惑不解的亮光,
and repoets of alien visit around the time of his disappearance.还有关于外星人造访地球的报道,而这一切都发生在男孩失踪前后。

Justin Foster,a high school student,went missing last Friday night.贾斯汀·福斯特是个高中生,上周五晚上失踪。
At first,Justin's mother,who went to sleep early that evening because of a headache,开始时,贾斯汀的母亲由于头痛那晚睡得比较早,
thought that the teenager was spending the night with a friend.她原以为这名青少年和朋友在一起过夜。
Mr Foster,who was working that night,那晚,在上班的福斯特先生
was surprised that his son did not tell anyone that he was staying out late.为他儿子没有告诉任何人他将在外面呆得很晚而感到惊讶。
When Justin did not show up at the family lunch the next day,直到第二天在家里吃午饭时,贾斯汀仍没露面,
Mrs Foster became worried and told her huaband to call the police.福斯特夫人担心起来,让她丈夫打电话给警方。

However,police found that Justin did in fact return home on Friday night at about 11 p.m.然而,警方发现贾斯汀星期五晚上11点左右实际上回过家。 那晚8点,贾斯汀离开家和两个朋友去打棒球,那两个朋友都说贾斯汀打完球后回家了。还有目击者称他们在晚上10:45分看见贾斯汀走向他家。


