

第1个回答  2022-09-28
问题一:有关圣诞节吃什么的英文介绍 5分 Christmas dinner eat pork, Turkey is the most holy, holy, Xiao pudding Xiao patties, dishes.
Christmas dinner is very rich. A variety of food, lubricious fragrance form ready, a glut oneself with delicacies, so Christmas dinner is also called Christmas dinner.
In the table, a yellow circle-shaped piece Xiancheng indicates good wishes. Rose, walnut, bright color of cinnamon and fruit, is the traditional Christmas ornaments on the table.
Christmas dinner main dish is essential for traditional dishes -- roast turkey. In the eyes of Westerners, no roast turkey is not a Christmas dinner. Some Westerners also used in Christmas dinner table a whole roast suckling pig, British and American people also love in pig placed on the mouth of an apple. This habit may have originated from some of the larger family, because the only family could eat a pig. Later some grandeur in the Christmas dinner followed suit.
After dinner, dessert, usually have a plum pudding and mince pie, etc. -- British and American people think, after eating this food will have one's star in the ascendan骸, the most favorable auspices of several.
In the United States of America, Christmas dinner and as special food -- cooked polenta, above a layer of cream, and put some fruit, sweet and delicious, have a distinctive taste.

问题二:圣诞节外国人都喜欢吃啥?用英文来表述。 Oven roasted turkey; 烤火鸡

问题三:圣诞节人们吃什么 每天吃什么就吃什么呗。我们又不是老美,没必要过圣诞节

问题四:圣诞节吃什么用英语怎么讲 圣诞节吃什么
What to eat for Christmas

问题五:圣诞节吃什么食物英语作文 烤火鸡(Roast Turkey)、烤乳猪(Roasted Suckling Pig) 中国(China)解答: 美国(America)

问题六:圣诞节吃什么答案加中英文翻译 解答:
美国(America):烤火鸡(Roast Turkey)、烤乳猪(Roasted Suckling Pig)

问题七:google有没有泡沫? 他在nasdaq上市的时候ipo是100几元,但是临开市就调到85左右,结果上市第一天就已经在100美圆之上了。