

第1个回答  2022-07-26


  模联发言稿格式 篇1

  Honorable chairs and dear delegates:

  This is the voice from Japan.

  Due to the rising strategic position of the sea, the major countries in the Asia-Pacific region pay high attention to marine issues and resource development, having put forward numerous ocean security strategies to make global arrangements on these problems. Japan government always cares deeply about the international marine order, especially in the Asia-Pacific area.

  In order to better resolve the particular problems about marine issues and resource development, Japan will make efforts in the following aspects: Firstly, Japan tends to further the goals of maritime policy. This means Japan will bring into play the leading role of oceans in solving global problems, perfect the system of the sustainable marine resource and take advantage of the ocean to ensure the security and life of Japanese citizens. Secondly, Japan tries its best to coordinate the marine resource development with the marine environment protection. Thirdly, Japan is willing to take measures to be committed to promoting the cooperation of the Asia-Pacific region. What’s the most important, Japan calls for the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Resource Development And Protection Committee which is in charge of managing and sanctioning the excessive exploitation of marine resource to promote the rational development and utilization of marine resource. That’s all. Thank you.

  模联发言稿格式 篇2


  Thank you for the chair.


  Honerable chair and dear delegate ,this is the representative of Phillipine,here is my brief speech 近些年来全球气候异常,各国对于气候变化愈加关注。在多国的努力下,达成了京都议定书等公约。然而公约的执行并不如人意,应对气候变化仍是当前迫在眉睫的问题。菲律宾作为一个负责任的国家,一直以来密切关注着气候变化问题,积极参与关于气候变化的各个国际会议,是京都议定书缔约国之一。与此同时,在国内,菲律宾政府也积极推动低碳环保政策,并于2009年颁布了气候变化法。

  During recent years, the world’s climate changes abnormally,every country pays more and more attention to climate changes.With efforts of many countries,Kyoto Protocal has been reached.However,the implementation is below expectation.Dealing with climate changes staring us in the face.As a responsible country,Philippine has been keeping an eye on climate changes and taking an active part in many meetings on climate changes.At the same time,we enact Climate Change Law in 2009 and promote low-carbon enviromental friendly policy.


  About how to deal with global climate changes,Philippine has following suggestions:


  Firstly, win-win mechanism should be set up.We can set up a win-win mechanism popularizing techinology and improving mutual-beneficial cooperation with which developed countries can make good on the promise and developing countries can play a more important role in carbon dioxide emission.


  We can set up a research institution on the techonology of recovery and storing of GHG. under the framework of UN and set up a talent pool by calling together the scientists who do research on it all around the world.Every year,UN give a fund to it for the research.The achievements of it will be shared by all people around the world.


  A fund organization similar to International Red Cross should be set up to give support to climate changes.This organization sets branch in every country leading by the government.


  A monitoring mechanism should be set up under the framework of the United Nations,monitoring each party’s implemention.


  The United Nations Sanctions Committee should be established under the framework of the United Nations. The committee punishes the countries and groups who do not take its responsibility.The punishing way is based on ceonomic sanctions includes restraint of trade and so on.


  At the end,philippin is glad to work with other countries to push cooperation about climate changes to a higher level.

  模联发言稿格式 篇3

  Hello, everyone. Welcome to Model United Nations of Shiyan Senior High School. My name is Liu Zhefei. I’m a member of the academic department. Now I’m honored to introduce our department to you.

  The academic department is the training and guiding department of Model United Nations. It has the following duties.

  1. Planning and executing both inner and open training , activities in class and of social pratice.

  2. Guiding English study and making it improve.

  3. Collecting and sorting out data, such as academic material and the record of corporation activities.

  4.Writing something important, including background information of MUN meeting and recruitment test.

  5.Testing all the members on academic levels.

  6. Recording members’ attendance.

  All the duties mean the high independence of our academic department. But at the same time, we has to cooperate with other departments. For example, we hand academic material , activities records and test results to the service department.

  Of all the duties, I think academic training is the most important one . It can help our members to obtain useful knowledge . They can learn the procedure of MUN, the changes of international politics, the skills of Chinese and English languages and the background of UN.

  Our department will try our best to do the next things.

  1. helping members improve the ability of both interdisciplinary research and collecting, analysing and sorting out material.

  2. Making members have the spirit of academic innovation.

  3. Having members making rapid progress on English ability.

  I hope with hard work, all of our members of MUN will show our charming diplomatlike.

  Let’s do it together.

  Thanks for your listening.
