
现如今,的出现给我们生活带来了极大的改变,但是私家车一直都是现在的热门话题。随着人们生活水平的提高,私家车的数量正以每年惊人的速度递增,如今,大多数人的生活都离不开私家车,上班,出行或是游玩······ 拥有私家车确实有许多好处,一方面,私家车为我们提供了出行的便利,在以前,人们只能通过简单的代步工具来实现交通问题,而现在,私家车则大大缩短了人们在路上所需要的时间,从而给人们带来了更多的便利;另一方面,私家车给车主们提供了方便和舒适。如果你有了车,就不用搭乘公交车或者挤地铁上班。你可以想象在上下班高峰期公车上是多么的拥挤,速度是多么的慢。有了车,你就不必担心这个问题了。更棒的是,你随时开着你的车到任何地方去。开着私家车去旅游,方便又灵活。你想停就停,不用担心其他乘客的感受。我想,这就是私家车最大的好处吧。 曾经,开车只是人们心中遥不可及的一种交通方式,而随着经济的不断发展,私家车开始流入普通老百姓的生活,人们有权利选择有自己的生活方式,越来越多的人拥有了私家车,今天在这里,我相信,大家大部分都是开车来的,对吧?在这个繁荣的城市,汽车毕竟是给人们带来了许多方便与便利。 但是,随着私家车的日益增多,一个个不可忽视的问题也渐渐进入人们的生活,私家车在方便人们出行的同时,也不可避免的给我们生活带来了负面影响。 越来越多的人使用私家车,这使得高峰期间,原本通畅的路面会变得水泄不通,不知大家有没有经历过,有些时候,甚至于私家车还没有公交车快,这反而没有给人带来便利,还更加促成了交通的堵塞。交通堵塞了,交通事故便增多了,我经常看到新闻,因为私家车问题而发生的交通事故不占少数。 私家车固然对人们的生活有诸多的便利,但如果人们没有正确的控制好私家车的使用,私家车带给人类的弊只会比利越来越多,私家车本身所带来的便捷也就失去了意义。

Nowadays, the emergence of has brought great changes to our lives, but private cars have always been a hot topic now. With the improvement of people's living standard, the number of private cars is increasing at an annual rate of striking, nowadays, most people's life cannot leave the private cars, work, travel or play · · · · · ·
Own cars do have many benefits, on the one hand, private cars provide us with a convenient travel, in the past, people only by simple tools for the traffic problem, and now, the private car is greatly shortens the time required to people on the road, which brings people a more convenient; On the other hand, private cars provide owners with convenient and comfortable. If you have a car, you don't have to take bus or subway to work. You can imagine how crowded in rush hour bus, the speed is so slow. Have a car, you don't have to worry about this problem. Even better, you always open your car to go to any place. Driving a private car to travel, convenient and flexible. You want to stop, don't worry about the feeling of the other passengers. I think this is the biggest benefit of private cars.
Once, drive just people's minds and a way of transportation, and with the continuous development of economy, private cars into the ordinary people's life, people have right to choose their own way of life, more and more people have private cars, today here, I believe that everyone is mostly to my car, right? In this prosperous city, the car is, after all, has brought people many convenient and convenient.
But with the increasing of the private cars, one cannot ignore the problems also gradually into the life of people, private car in convenient people travel at the same time, also inevitable has brought negative influence to our lives.
More and more people use private cars, which makes the peak period, originally unobstructed road will become, I wonder if you have experienced, in some cases, even private cars have not bus is fast, but this did not bring convenience to the person, also more contributed to the traffic jam. The traffic jam, traffic accident has increased, I often see the news, because the problem of private cars and the traffic accident is not in the minority.
Private cars is on people's lives have many convenient, but if they do not have the correct control of the use of private cars, private cars more and more disadvantages to humankind will only Billy, private car itself brings convenient has lost its meaning.
第1个回答  2016-04-22


第2个回答  2016-04-22



