

Mid-afternoon, my brother, play with neighbors and burning wax, wax pot we went downstairs to play, we brought three packs of colored candles, four tin. We will put the candle inside the tin, quickly uses up the two boxes candles, because the box is only 12. Little brother of the mother would come back to buy the seven boxes of candles, we put a coin inside the tin, candles, many candles by burning oil after spill out, so we brought the oil candle designs, those who just burn the oil very hot, I soon handle into the water, into the hand that has stained the water more than wax, there are a lot of oil, to wait for it to dry before playing. We had a really fun ah! In the evening, we went to Island Resort performances, play games and riddles and games, I first looked at it shows, then I play games, I took several prizes. Later I went to guess riddles, some riddles very simple, there are some very difficult. Has been taken to the simple, I took a simple not difficult riddles, is to use "extermination" guess a word. I guess for a long time to think about, the answer is "day" is used. I guess a lot of riddles later, so took a lot of prizes, the final prizes to guess only, until all prizes in guessing not take. I am ready to play other games again, when my father called me and told me to go play football pitch, I play soccer with other children, playing football is fun, other kids can not I win, we played very happy, then my father told me to go, we went walking, with the full moon and eat moon cake. We found a place to sit down, everyone on the side of the moon while eating moon cake, We had a really fun ah! We had to go home late, I hope that next year's festival more fun! 【译文】 中秋节的下午,我和邻居的弟弟一起玩煲蜡,我们去楼下玩煲蜡,我们带了三包彩色蜡烛,还有四个铁盒。 我们将蜡烛放在铁盒里面,很快已经用去了两盒蜡烛了,因为一盒只有十二支。小弟弟的婆婆便去买了七盒蜡烛回来,我们放了两个硬币在铁盒里面,蜡烛经燃烧后有很多蜡烛油溢了出来,我们把蜡烛油拿来做图案,那些刚刚烧完的油很热,我很快的把手放进水里,放进水里的那只手已沾有多蜡,又有很多油,要等它干了之后才玩。我们玩得真开心啊! 到了晚上,我们就去蓝湾半岛看表演,玩摊位游戏和猜灯谜,我首先看了一会儿表演,然后我就去玩摊位游戏,我拿了几份奖品。后来我再去猜灯谜,有一些灯谜很简单,有一些却很困难。简单的已经被人拿去,我拿了一个不简单又不困难的灯谜,就是用「斩草除根」猜一个字。我猜了很久才想到,答案是「日」字。我后来也猜中了很多灯谜,所以拿了很多奖品,最后要猜中才有奖品,之前是猜不中都有奖品拿。我再准备玩其它摊位游戏的时候,爸爸打电话给我,叫我去足球场踢足球,我便和其它小朋友一起踢足球,踢足球真好玩,其它小朋友赢不到我,我们踢得非常开心,后来爸爸叫我走,我们就去散步,一起赏月和吃月饼。我们找了一个地方坐下来,大家就一边赏月,一边吃月饼,我们玩得真开心啊! 我们玩到很迟才回家,我希望明年的中秋节更好玩呢!