
1、工作态度要积极,禁止怠工行为。 出现怠工行为的每次扣3分

2、协助上级主管管理仓库日常工作,落实仓库管理制度。 无视上级主管要求,忽视仓库管理制度每次扣3分

3、协调仓管的工作交接。 协调不到位一次扣3分

4、订单跟踪,要了解订单是否已发出,同时要了解供货商发货情况。 对订单情况完全不了解每次扣3分

5、物资验收工作:数量核对、质量检查、要完好无损的入库。 验收工作不到位每次扣3分

6、入库单填写要及时,不能延后超过2个工作日。 不按时填写入库单的每次扣3分

7、入库的物资要摆放整齐,并做好相应的标识工作。 物资摆放混乱或缺少标识的每次扣3分

8、物资出库要办理相关的手续。 手续不齐全,如无签名、无材料申请单等每次扣3分

9、应付款准备工作,入库单连同发票及时送到商务部办公室。 收货正常、发票正确的情况下,超过3天没有提交扣3分

10、单据书写要认真,易于辨认。 书写潦草,难于辨认的每次扣3分
11、库存控制,确保库存余量,如有需要及时提交材料申请单。 常用物资不及时提交材料申请单的每次扣3分

12、每周进行物资抽查盘点,并做好相关记录。 没有进行抽查或无记录每次扣3分

13、做好常用物资的每月盘点工作。 盘点不及时或无盘点记录的每次扣3分

14、统计数据要及时更新,每天的出、入库数据更新最迟只能延后一个工作日。 更新不及时每次扣3分

15、统计数据更新项目要齐全,出入库清单除了材料的详细信息,还应包括出入库本名字及编号、页数、领料人等信息。 更新信息不齐全的每次扣3分

16、统计数据更新要正确无误,严禁弄虚作假。 违反一次扣3分

17、对各类档案进行分类整理。 没有分类整理的每次扣3分

18、联系废旧物资收购商,处理废旧物资。 处理过出现错误的每次扣3分,属弄虚作假的每次扣5分

19、完成上级主管指定的任务。 不按时完成任务又无正当理由的每次扣3分

敬请高手献招,翻译得好的话 追加50到200分


1, a positive work attitude to prohibit acts of sabotage. Acts of sabotage occur 3 hours each deduction

2, to help supervisors manage the daily work of the warehouse, the implementation of warehouse management system. Higher authorities to ignore the requirements of the warehouse management system to ignore 3 points of each deduction

3, coordinate the work of warehouse transfer. Not in place to coordinate the first 3 points deducted

4, order tracking, to understand the orders had been issued at the same time to understand the situation of supplier deliveries. Orders for a total lack of understanding of each deduction 3

5, material inspection: check the number, quality inspection, to the storage intact. Acceptance of work not in place 3 points deducted for each

6, to fill the storage invoices timely, can not be delayed more than two working days. Failure to do so fill in every single storage 3 points deducted

7, storage of material to be placed neatly and do a good job in the work of the corresponding logo. Confusion or lack of materials placed in each logo button 3

8, a library of materials related to processing procedures. Incomplete procedures, such as no signature, no materials, such as applications for 3 hours each deduction

9, should be prepared to work payment, warehousing, together with a single invoice to the Department of Commerce Office in time. Receiving normal circumstances the correct invoice, did not submit more than three days deducted 3 points

10, need to carefully document written and easy to identify. Scribble writing and it would be difficult to identify each of the 3 points deducted
11, inventory control, to ensure that the inventory cushion, if necessary the timely submission of the application materials. The timely submission of materials commonly used materials do not apply for a single deduction of 3 points each

12, weekly inventory spot checks of materials and records to do a good job. Did not conduct random or non-record 3 minutes of each deduction

13, commonly used materials do a good job in the work of the monthly inventory. Inventory is not timely inventory records with or without 3 minutes of each deduction

14, need to update statistical data a day that data storage can only be postponed at the latest update on a working day. Each deduction is not timely updated 3 hours

15, statistical data, to update the complete list of the storage material in addition to detailed information should also include the storage of the names and number of pages, such as information from materials. Update information for each full 3 minutes buckle

16, need to update statistical data is accurate, no fraud. 3 hours in violation of a button

17, to sort out all kinds of files. Did not sort out the 3 points deducted for each

18, linked to the acquisition of waste and used materials, processing of waste materials. Dealt with an error of 3 points each deduction is a fraud 5 minutes of each deduction

19, to complete the tasks assigned to higher authorities. The task is not completed on time and justification for each deduction of 3 points
第1个回答  2009-07-20
Positive attitude to work, the prohibition of acts of sabotage. Acts of sabotage occur 3 hours each deduction .

Supervisors to help manage day-to-day work of the warehouse, the implementation of warehouse management system. Higher authorities to ignore the requirements of the warehouse management system to ignore 3 points of each deduction .

Coordination of the work of warehouse transfer. Not in place to coordinate the first 3 points deducted .

Order tracking, to understand the orders had been issued at the same time to understand the situation of supplier deliveries. Orders for a total lack of understanding of each deduction 3.

Material inspection: check the number, quality inspection, to the storage intact. Acceptance of work not in place 3 points deducted for each .

To fill the storage invoices timely, can not be delayed more than two working days. Failure to do so fill in every single storage 3 points deducted .

Storage of materials should be placed neatly and do a good job in the work of the corresponding logo. Confusion or lack of materials placed in each logo button 3 .

A library of materials related to processing procedures. Incomplete procedures, such as no signature, no materials, such as applications for 3 hours each deduction.

Payment should be prepared to work together with the invoices for inbound single office in time to the Ministry of Commerce. Receiving normal circumstances the correct invoice, did not submit more than three days deducted 3 points .

Documents should be carefully written, easy to identify. Scribble writing and it would be difficult to identify each of the 3 points deducted.

Inventory control, to ensure that the inventory cushion, if necessary the timely submission of the application materials. The timely submission of materials commonly used materials do not apply for a single deduction of 3 points each .

Weekly inventory spot checks of materials and records to do a good job. Did not conduct random or non-record 3 minutes of each deduction .

Commonly used materials do a good job in the work of the monthly inventory. Inventory is not timely inventory records with or without 3 minutes of each deduction .

Statistical data to update a day out, data storage can only be postponed at the latest update on a working day. Each deduction is not timely updated 3 hours .

Statistical data updates to complete, a list of the storage material in addition to detailed information should also include the storage of the names and number of pages, such as information from materials. Update information for each full 3 minutes buckle.

To update the statistics are correct, no fraud. 3 hours in violation of a button.

To sort out all kinds of files. Did not sort out the 3 points deducted for each .

Contact the acquisition of waste and used materials, the processing of waste materials. Dealt with an error of 3 points each deduction is a fraud 5 minutes of each deduction .

Supervisors to complete assigned tasks. The task is not completed on time and justification for each deduction of 3 points .

第2个回答  2009-07-23
1, work attitude to actively to prohibit any act. Appear to go slow behavior in 3 minutes each time buckle

2, to assist the competent administrative warehouse day-to-day work of the implementation of the warehouse management system. Ignore the supervisor requested, ignore the warehouse management system for 3 minutes each time buckle

3, coordinating the work of the bunker. Coordination is not in place once detained for three minutes

4, order tracking, whether you want to learn about the order is issued at the same time to learn more about suppliers issues. On the orders position totally doesn't know about 3 minutes each time buckle

5, the quantity of material acceptance: check, quality inspection, the library. intact Acceptance is not in place 3 minutes each time buckle

6, as finished in time for single-fill out and cannot be delayed more than 2 working days. Do not fill in as finished on time every time the sin of detained for three minutes

7, library materials to order, and do the work of the corresponding identity. Supplies the placing of confusion or missing identity being detained by 3 points on every occasion

8, material out of the library to handle relevant procedures. Procedures are not fully equipped, if there is no signature, no material slips, etc 3 minutes each time buckle

9, payable preparatory work, warehousing, single-together with invoices sent to the Department of Commerce Office. Receipt of the normal, invoices, the right circumstances, more than 3 days have not filed detained for three minutes 10, document, you should carefully written, easy-to-read. Writing illegible, difficult per detained for three minutes and 11, inventory control, make sure that the inventory allowance, if necessary submit material to apply for a timely manner. Common materials not timely submitted materials requisitions per detained for three minutes 12, weekly, carry out spot checks on inventory, supplies and related records. There are no checks or no records 3 minutes each time buckle

13, doing a commonly used material stock per month. Counting not timely or no counting records in 3 minutes each time the buckle, statistical data to 14 in a timely updates daily updates and warehousing data can only be postponed at the latest one working day. Updated every time detained for three minutes 15, statistics update project to complete warehousing inventory in addition to materials for more information, should also include warehousing this name and number, the number of pages, picking people and other information. Update information is not a complete range of 3 minutes each time the buckles of 16, statistics update to correct, is strictly forbidden being insincere. Breach once detained for 3 minutes 17, on the Categorize various types of archives. There is no sort of 3 minutes each time the buckles of 18, contact the acquisition of waste materials, handling scrap materials. Error handling so each time the detained for three minutes, is a practicing 5 minutes each time the buckles of 19, complete the supervisor specified task. Do not finish tasks without having a legitimate reason for 3 minutes each time buckle
第3个回答  2009-07-20
1, a positive work attitude to prohibit acts of sabotage. Acts of sabotage occur 3 hours each deduction


2, to help supervisors manage the daily work of the warehouse, the implementation of warehouse management system. Higher authorities to ignore the requirements of the warehouse management system to ignore 3 points of each deduction


3, coordinate the work of warehouse transfer. Not in place to coordinate the first 3 points deducted


4, order tracking, to understand the orders had been issued at the same time to understand the situation of supplier deliveries. Orders for a total lack of understanding of each deduction 3


5, material inspection: check the number, quality inspection, to the storage intact. Acceptance of work not in place 3 points deducted for each


6, to fill the storage invoices timely, can not be delayed more than two working days. Failure to do so fill in every single storage 3 points deducted


7, storage of material to be placed neatly and do a good job in the work of the corresponding logo. Confusion or lack of materials placed in each logo button 3


8, a library of materials related to processing procedures. Incomplete procedures, such as no signature, no materials, such as applications for 3 hours each deduction


9, should be prepared to work payment, warehousing, together with a single invoice to the Department of Commerce Office in time. Receiving normal circumstances the correct invoice, did not submit more than three days deducted 3 points

10, need to carefully document written and easy to identify. Scribble writing and it would be difficult to identify each of the 3 points deducted

11, inventory control, to ensure that the inventory cushion, if necessary the timely submission of the application materials. The timely submission of materials commonly used materials do not apply for a single deduction of 3 points each

12, weekly inventory spot checks of materials and records to do a good job. Did not conduct random or non-record 3 minutes of each deduction

13, commonly used materials do a good job in the work of the monthly inventory. Inventory is not timely inventory records with or without 3 minutes of each deduction

14, need to update statistical data a day that data storage can only be postponed at the latest update on a working day. Each deduction is not timely updated 3 hours

15, statistical data, to update the complete list of the storage material in addition to detailed information should also include the storage of the names and number of pages, such as information from materials. Update information for each full 3 minutes buckle

16, need to update statistical data is accurate, no fraud. 3 hours in violation of a button

17, to sort out all kinds of files. Did not sort out the 3 points deducted for each

18, linked to the acquisition of waste and used materials, processing of waste materials. Dealt with an error of 3 points each deduction is a fraud 5 minutes of each deduction

19, to complete the tasks assigned to higher authorities. The task is not completed on time and justification for each deduction of 3 points

Please offer a master stroke, a good translation, then an additional 50-200 minutes
第4个回答  2009-07-23
1.A positive work attitude to prohibit acts of sabotage. Acts of sabotage occur 3 hours each deduction.

2.To help supervisors manage the daily work of the warehouse, the implementation of warehouse management system. Higher authorities to ignore the requirements of the warehouse management system to ignore 3 Points of each deduction.

3. Coordinate the work of warehouse transfer. Not in place to coordinate the first 3 points deducted.

4. Order tracking, to understand the orders had been issued at the same time to understand the situation of supplier deliveries. Orders for a total lack of understanding of each deduction 3.

5. Material inspection: check the number, quality inspection, to the storage intact. Acceptance of work not in place 3 points deducted for each.

6. To fill the storage invoices timely, can not be delayed more than two working days. Failure to do so fill in every single storage 3 points deducted.

7. Storage of material to be placed neatly and do a good job in the work of the corresponding logo. Confusion or lack of materials placed in each logo button 3.

8.A library of materials related to processing procedures. Incomplete procedures, such as no signature, no materials, such as applications for 3 hours each deduction.

9. Should be prepared to work payment, warehousing, together with a single invoice to the Department of Commerce Office in time. Receiving normal circumstances the correct invoice, did not submit more than three days deducted 3 points.
10. Need to carefully document written and easy to identify. Scribble writing and it would be difficult to identify each of the 3 points deducted.
11. Inventory control, to ensure that the inventory cushion, if necessary the timely submission of the application materials. The timely submission of materials commonly used materials do not apply for a single deduction of 3 points each.
12. Weekly inventory spot checks of materials and records to do a good job. Did not conduct random or non-record 3 minutes of each deduction.
13. Commonly used materials do a good job in the work of the monthly inventory. Inventory is not timely inventory records with or without 3 minutes of each deduction.
14. Need to update statistical data a day that data storage can only be postponed at the latest update on a working day. Each deduction is not timely updated 3 hours.
15. Statistical data, to update the complete list of the storage material in addition to detailed information should also include the storage of the names and number of pages, such as information from materials. Update information for each full 3 minutes buckle.
16. Need to update statistical data is accurate, no fraud. 3 hours in violation of a button.
17. To sort out all kinds of files. Did not sort out the 3 points deducted for each.
18. Linked to the acquisition of waste and used materials, processing of waste materials. Dealt with an error of 3 points each deduction is a fraud 5 minutes of each deduction.
19. To complete the tasks assigned to higher authorities. The task is not completed on time and justification for each deduction of 3 points.