

音乐:A Love Suicide(为爱自戕)
Say, where's my shame,(哪 当我满心思念地呼唤著你的名时)
When I call your name,(我的羞耻心又放在哪里?)
So please, don't set me free,(所以 求你千万不要释放我)
I must heavy as can be.(我一定得被囚禁在最沉重的囹囫里)
I will do you harm,(我会狠狠伤害你)
I'll break my arm.(我会狠狠折磨自己)
I'm a victim of your charms.(在你的魅力下我如受害者般卑弓屈膝)
I once shoud be dead,(我早该魂葬黄泉)
When I am, I lament.(当我死去 我哀悼)
I can be so mean, You can't beat me(我可以是如此的歹毒 你定无法战胜我的冷酷)
I would like to shame you,(我多想使你丧尽颜面)
I would like to blame you,(我多想使你受尽责备)
Just because of my love to you.(一切只出於我对你深切的爱啊)
love itself is just as innocent as roses in May,(爱本身就如五月蔷薇般纯洁无垢)
I know that they can't drive it away.(我知道没有人能将之驱走)
love itself is just as brief as a candle in the wind.(但爱本身就如风中残烛般短暂疾逝)
That's greedy just like sin.(它就如同罪孽,都那么贪婪)
Alone, but sane,(孤独 但清醒)
I am a love suicide.(我为爱而自戕)
Cause love itself is just as brief as a candle in the wind.(因为爱本身就如风中残烛般短暂疾逝)
It's pure whiest, just like sin.(它的纯洁与污秽的罪孽是如此相似)
Alone, but sane,(孤独 但清醒)
I am a love suicide.(我为爱而自戕)
Cause love itself is just as innocent as Roses in May.(因为爱本身就如五月蔷薇般纯洁无垢)
It's pure white, just like sin.(它的无垢与污秽的罪孽是如此相似)
