
collect run out of skate store raise 速度啊 带翻译 多造几个谢谢 初二水平的

collect My grandfather likes collecting old stamps.(我的祖父喜欢收集旧邮票) You should collect your thoughts and ideas before writing a composition.(在你写作文之前,应该先理好思路和想法。) run out of Hs is always running out of money before payday. 他老是发工资的日子还没到就把钱花完了 We have run out of water. 我们已用完了水。 skate She is skating happily on the ice. 她在冰面上快乐地滑行。 The ice is too thin.You can't skate on it.冰太滑了,你不能滑在上面。 store This animal makes a store of nuts for the winter 这种动物为冬天储备了大量坚果。 Some food won't store. 有些食物不能贮存。 raise He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。 I will not raise a hand against you. 我不会做任何不利于你的事。