

About Chinese Green Card, first take a look at a video to learn about the highlights of Chinese Green Card!
Document List for Permanent Residence for Couples Reunion
Foreigners need to provide:
1.2 copies of two-inch recent photos
2.Valid passport and valid visa (or residence permit), and provide 2 copies of each.
3.Marriage certificate, and provide 2 copies of this and two copies of ID certificate used for marriage registration are also required.
5.Proof of financial security or financial sources, and provide 1 copy of this.
6.House property certificate or house renting contract, and provide 2 copies of this.
7.Health check report
8.Original and photocopy of the Non-criminal Record
Document List for Permanent Residence for Working Staff
Foreigners need to provide:
1.Documents Required for Working Staff (principal applicant):
(1)2 copies of two-inch recent photos
(2)Valid passport and employment-typed residence permits issued in Shanghai for consecutively 4 years before this application, and 2 copies of each should be submitted.
(3)Income certificate of the last 4 years issued by employer(s), and provide 1 copy of this.
(4)Individual income tax clearance certificate issued by Shanghai taxation bureau documenting the last consecutive 4 years before this application, and provide 1 copy of this.
(5)Valid Working Permit (or Employment Permit, Foreign Expert Certificate) issued in Shanghai, and 2 copies of this.
(6)Letter of recommendation issued by the present employer, and provide 1 copy of this.
(8)Health check report
(9)Original and one photocopy of the Non-Criminal Record
2. Documents Required for Spouse:
2. 外籍配偶需提交下列材料:
(1)Complete Application Form for Permanent Residence in China, and provide 2 copies of two-inch recent photos
(1) 2寸近期证件照2张。
(2)Valid passport and valid visa (or residence permit), and provide 2 copies of each.
(3)Marriage certificate, and provide 2 copies of this. Two copies of ID certifications used for marriage registration are also required.
(4)Health check report
(5)Original and one photocopy of the Non-Criminal Record
3. Documents Required for Children:
3. 未满18周岁外籍子女需提交以下材料:
(1)2 copies of two-inch recent photos
(1) 2寸近期证件照2张
(2)Valid passport and visa (or residence permit), and provide 2 copies of each.
(3)Birth Certificate (or parent-children relationship certificate, or adoption proof), and provide 2 copies of this.
(4)ID certificates of both parents, and provide 2 copies of each.
(5)Marriage certificate of parents and 2 copies of this
(6)Nationality identification should be processed in the first place if one/both of the parents was/were of Chinese nationality when the child was born.