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Michael Jackson (MichaelJackson) known as the King of Pop (theKingofPop), western pop music's most influential musicians, their achievements have gone beyond Elvis. He is a great music all-rounder, lyricist, composer, scene production, arrangement, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments all have outstanding achievements. He combines the black and white rock and roll, rhythm and blues MJ unique musical styles, and sometimes high-pitched anger illness, sometimes mellow Smart voice and unprecedented high standard of music, video, large-scale concerts invariably caused a great sensation around the world, He has hundreds of millions of fans worldwide.
He albums first selling the world's "THRILLER", sold over 104 million (Guinness Book of World Records certified data). His album sold hundreds of millions, according to statistics by the end of 2006, its genuine album has sold more than 750 million worldwide, was loaded, "Guinness Book of World Records." He is a musical in the history of the first outside the United States sold 100 million records on the artist. His magic is more like a dance is to follow the example of countless stars. In 2006, the Guinness Book of World Records issued a new certificate: The world's most successful artists in history. One who supports the world's 39 Charity Relief Fund
Council, maintained the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records personal charity is the world's personal charitable donations on behalf of most people. He suffers from vitiligo skin disease, skin white.
Some people say that Michael Jackson is a magic monster was covered in a wave full of mysterious force in the rhythm of music sounded, he could lead the world's pulse. So far there are still millions of fans around the world.

第1个回答  2009-09-26
Michael · Joseph · Jackson (Michael Joseph the Jackson,1958 year on August 29th - June 25, 2009), is the world pop culture symbolic character, is having the extremely high popularity and the huge influence in the world, is honored as king of the pop music (King of Pop). he is the splendid music versatile person, in writing words, the composition, the scene manufacture, arranges the tune, sings, the dance, the musical instrument performance aspect has the remarkable achievement, he with the cat king, the beatles and said that the class takes delight in the history the greatest immortal symbol, but after its achievement has surmounted, both. He maintains for a long time many national and the local phonograph record sales volume record, once many times received the world many National government head's high specification courteous reception, American Reagan, Bush, President Clinton continual three sessions of invites it to enter the White House to praise to its contribution. He founded modern MV, Shan Qu "Thriller" music recording tape for global first modern MV, is honored as in the history “the greatest music recording tape”, has promoted MTV unprecedentedly in the modern music industry status. He fused the black rhythm blue accent with the Caucasian rock and roll unique MJ happy wind, from time to time is resounding indignantly, is gently beautiful from time to time the nimble and resourceful sound, the without parallel in history high standard music video recording, the broad in scale the concert causes the enormous stir all in the world. Has the authoritative organization to comment: If does not have MJ, pop music's development postpones at least for 20 years, the MV appearance postpones at least for 50 years.
先生名下,我也是在网上给你找的,要是感觉不合适的话, 你就做个参考吧。以下是汉语意思
迈克尔杰克逊 迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)被誉为流行音乐之王(the King of Pop),是继猫王之后,西方流行乐坛最具影响力的音乐家,其成就已超越猫王。他是出色的音乐全才,作词,作曲,场景制作,编曲,演唱,舞蹈,乐器演奏都有着卓越的成就。他融合了黑人节奏蓝调与白人摇滚的独特的MJ乐风,时而高亢愤疾、时而柔美灵动的嗓音,空前绝后的高水准音乐录影,规模宏大的演唱会无不在世界各地引起极大轰动,他在全球范围内拥有亿万歌迷。他魔幻般的舞步更是让无数的明星效仿。
他创立了 :
“拯救世界基金会(1992成立)”“拯救儿童基金会Heal (2001成立)”“杰克逊烧伤中心(1984.2成立)”“杰克逊爱滋病救助中心(1986成立)”“杰克逊有色人种教育基金会(1987成
Heal the world(治愈世界)基金会与国家橄榄球联盟、FritoLay、国际青年人基金会、希尔顿/BEST基金会合作,在27届“超级杯”(美国橄榄球联赛)上联合发起了“拯救洛城”运动,为7,000名孩子建立了3,000个指导顾问免疫站,并为超过72,000名青年提供了关于防止滥用药物/毒品的教育。
“自从我打破纪录开始——打破了猫王的纪录,打破了披头士的纪录——然后呢?他们叫我畸形人,同性恋者,性骚扰小孩的怪胎!他们说我漂白了自己的皮肤,做一切可做的来诋毁我,这都是阴谋 ! 当我站在镜前看我自己,我知道,我是个黑人!”
Michael Jackson Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson) known as the King of Pop (the King of Pop), is the second Elvis, the western pop music's most influential musicians, their achievements have gone beyond Elvis. He is a great music all-rounder, lyricist, composer, scene production, arrangement, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments all have outstanding achievements. He combines the black and white rock and roll, rhythm and blues MJ unique musical styles, and sometimes high-pitched anger illness, sometimes mellow Smart voice and unprecedented high standard of music, video, large-scale concerts invariably caused a great sensation around the world, He has hundreds of millions of fans worldwide. His magic is more like a dance is to follow the example of countless stars.
He holds the world's No. 1 selling album "THRILLER", sales reached 104 million (Guinness Book of World Records certified data). His album sold hundreds of millions, according to statistics by the end of 2006, its genuine album has sold more than 750 million worldwide, was loaded, "Guinness Book of World Records." He is a musical in the history of the first outside the United States sold 100 million records on the artist. In 2006, the Guinness Book of World Records issued a new certificate: The world's most successful artists in history. One who supports the world's 39 Charity Relief Fund, maintained the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records personal charity is the world's personal charitable donations on behalf of most people.
He suffers from vitiligo skin disease, skin white.
Some people say that Michael Jackson is a magic monster was covered in a wave full of mysterious force in the rhythm of music sounded, he could lead the world's pulse. So far there are still millions of fans around the world.
Michael not only in singing but also with practical action in support of charity. Is the world's personal charitable donations on behalf of most people. Was given the "Humanitarian Award" and twice received the "Nobel Peace Prize" nomination. He composed much in the first charity song, adhere to each go to a place go to the hospital to visit the orphanage, but also adopted a number of children and bring them the best life and education. While some at the same time gave him trouble, his love is still same as ever.
He founded: the
"Save the World Foundation (established 1992)" "Save the Children Heal (2001 set)" "Jackson Burn Center (1984.2 set)" "Jackson, Center for AIDS Relief (1986 set)" "Jackson, colored Education Foundation (1987 Cheng
Li) "" Jackson Children's Hospital (Warsaw -1,993 set up) "," Jackson Children's Hospital (Paris -1995 set) "" Jackson Diabetes Foundation (1999) "provided free of charge every year tens of thousands of patients - in particular, Children's patients, poor patient medical help.
For the many children in 20 countries provided support and assistance.
Heal the world (heal the world) Foundation and the National Football League, FritoLay, an international youth Foundation, the Hilton / BEST Foundation, in 27 sessions of "Super Cup" (United States Football League) on co-sponsored the "Save the LA "campaign, in order to set up 7,000 children 3,000 guidance counselors immunization stations and more than 72,000 young people on the prevention of abuse of drugs / drug education.
Michael's life in numerous charity
Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson said: I would like to thank Michael, regardless of his performance as a black day and night opened a door. Yes he let Bryant and I was able to wear the shirt body. Yes he let people around the world may return. Because of his charity everywhere.
MJ mystery of color, merits and demerits of the ethnic dispute
Over the years, MJ has gradually been demonized by the media. For a time, he became the world have been attacked and made fun of the object, all the combat and the pressure rushing toward us, let him nowhere to escape. The most obvious is that he was suffering from a "vitiligo" disorders, but the media and magazines chosen to say that his skin is bleached. The reason is very simple, reported that vitiligo What does this mean? If a world superstar, bleached skin, betrayed the race, it is the biggest selling point to attract the world's attention.
MJ's skin is not bleached, and if this world is black "durable white," this technology, it is absolutely impossible for the world he is the only one bleaching! However, we Apart from himself, has never seen or heard of other black "bleaching" example! Jackson, this porcelain white color, has completely lost all of the melanin, which is typical of a serious disease vitiligo. In addition, Jackson out on an umbrella, or cover their a JANSEN their own, that is, fear of the sun, the role of melanin in the skin to prevent sun damage. Lack of melanin in skin is most afraid of the sun, as long as 10 minutes sunburn, the skin will be damaged. So, no one would be willing to risk their lives in the long-term systemic use of bleach drugs. But also because "Vitiligo" and full-body white black, but also far more than Michael Jackson • 1!
In fact, as early as in 1993, he once explained that his skin color change is due to suffering from a "vitiligo", and this disease as early as 70 years have already emerged. He also mentioned that because of his skin color is very symmetrical, it is necessary to use heavy makeup to cover. Just that, when very few people believed him.
"Ever since I started to break the record — — broke Elvis's record, breaking the record of the Beatles — — then? They call me deformity, homosexuals, sexual harassment, child's freak! They said I bleached his skin to do everything can do to discredit me, this is a conspiracy! When I stood before the mirror to see for myself, I know, I was black! "
----------- Michael
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第2个回答  2009-09-24
MTV Japan Video Music Awards: (Tokyo, Japan / May 27, 2006)
Legend Award
Guiness Book Of World Records: (issue 2006)

Best-selling Album Of All Time: 'Thriller' with global sales of over 51 million copies to date
Longest Music Video: 'Ghosts' (USA, 1996), with 35 mins
Most Valuable Sculpture By A Living Artist: 'Michael Jackson and Bubbles', a porcelain sculpture created by the artist Jeff Koons in 1988 sold for $5,616,750 at Sotheby's in New York on May 15, 2001. The piece measures 106.7 x 179.1 x 82.6 cm (42 x 70.5 x 32.5 in).
Most Grammy Awards Won In A Year By A Person: At the 26th Annual Grammy Awards in 1984 Michael Jackson won eight Grammy awards.
Most Valuable Oscar: David O Selznick's 1940 Best Film Oscar for 'Gone With The Wind' (USA, 1939) was bought by Michael Jackson, for $1,542,000 on June 12, 1999, at Sotheby's, New York.
Honorable Mention - Greatest Distance Moonwalked in One Hour: Adam Hall of San Francisco, California, was over the moon aftering moonwalking through the backstreets of Denver, Colorado, for a distance of 2.41 km (1.5 miles) in one hour on October 22, 2002. A "moonwalk support crew" shadowed 25-year-old Adam in an automobile, measuring his distance with an odometer. The record-setting walk formed part of a longer "Moonwalk for Earth" relay with Ramsey Brookhart (USA) and Joshua Dodd (USA), an attempt to raise awareness of renewable forms of energy. "We live under this brown cloud," said Hall, "and people don't seem to understand how much of that comes from burning coal to provide electricity. We want people to know that there are other ways to make electricity."
AASA Humanitarian Award: (Washington, D.C., USA / April 1)
Humanitarian Award from The African Ambassadors?Spouses Association, AASA, for Michael Jackson's worldwide humanitarian efforts, particularly in Africa.
Key to the City: (Gary, USA / June 11)
Michael was honored with the key of the city by the mayor of Gary.
BMI Urban Awards: (Miami, USA / August 5)
Best song: 'Butterflies'
(Marsha Ambrosius, SPZ Music Inc., Michael Jackson, Epic Records)

Key to the City: (Las Vegas, USA / October 25)
Michael was honored with the key of the city by Mr. Goodman, mayor of Las Vegas.

Radio Music Awards: (Las Vegas, USA / October 27)
Humanitarian Award (presented by Beyonce Knowles for the first time)

Power of Oneness Lifetime Achievement Award: (Universal Studios Hollywood, Globe Theater, USA / November 15)
presented for Michael's lifelong commitment to writing, singing, and speaking about the need to take responsibility for the world's children and making our world a better place
第3个回答  2009-09-17
迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(Michael Joseph Jackson,1958年8月29日-2009年6月25日),是世界流行文化象征性的人物,在全世界都拥有着极高的知名度与巨大的影响力,被誉为流行音乐之王(King of Pop)。
第4个回答  2009-09-28

Born Michael Joseph Jackson on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana, he has his first No. 1 solo single, "Ben," in 1972 as the lead singer and youngest member of the Jackson 5.

Jackson and actress-singer Diana Ross attend a news conference in 1977 for the movie musical "The Wiz." Jackson plays the Scarecrow, and Ross is Dorothy in the film version of the Broadway hit.
Jackson's "Thriller" becomes one of the best-selling albums of all time when it was released in December 1982. It racks up an unprecedented seven Top 10 hits, including the No. 1 smashes "Billie Jean" and "Beat It."

Jackson, pictured during a 1984 performance in the Victory tour, wins eight Grammys for "Thriller" in February 1984.
Jackson gives a televised statement in December 1993 proclaiming his innocence in light of child molestation accusations against him. A multimillion-dollar settlement is reached the next year and no charges are filed.
In February, two two-hour TV specials about Jackson's life air. More than 27 million people watch the original ABC telecast of "Living with Michael Jackson."

In November, Jackson faces charges of child molestation, according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department