
你的邻居James最近写信向你抱怨从你房里传出的噪音。请回一封信给你的邻居James(不得少于120字),在信中应该包括以下内容:1、解释噪音的来源。2、道歉。3、描述你将采取的措施。开头已经写出,不计入总词数内。Dear James,I was very shocked to get your letter saying that the noise from my flat has been spoiling your evenings and causing you some distress. Yours Li Hua

Dear James,
I was very shocked to get your letter saying that the noise from my flat has been spoiling your evenings and causing you some distress.I am really, really sorry about that.I had no idea that you would be able to hear so much, so I hope you will accept my apologies.
As you may have guessed, I am trying to refit my kitchen in the evenings when I get home from work.Unfortunately it is all taking longer than expected and I have been having problems with getting things to fit properly.This has meant a lot of banging and hammering.
As the kitchen is still not finished, I have decided to call in a professional builder who will finish the work in the next day or two.He’ll work only during daytime hours, so you won’t be disturbed in the evenings again, I promise.
Sorry to have caused these problems.
