
⑴ 开发中国西部是很重要的.
⑵ 你应该用正确的方法开始谈话.
⑶ 当我在修卡车的时候,他正在画画.
⑷ 那个故事是父亲讲给我们的.
⑸ 她比昨天来得早.

⑴ development of western China is very important.
⑵ you should use the right approach began to talk.
⑶ When I was in the repair truck, he was painting.
⑷ The story was about my father tell us.
⑸ She came earlier than yesterday.
第1个回答  2009-09-29
1. It is of great importance to develop the west part of China.
2. You should begin the talk in the right way.
3. He was drawing while I was repairing the truck.
4. The story was told me by my father.
5. She came earlier than she did yesterday
第2个回答  2009-09-29
It is important to develop the west of China.
You should use correct way to talk with others.
While I was repairing the truck,he was drawing.
That story is what our father told us.
She came earlier today than she did yesterday.