

来自2021年底的结论:以前是加上as也行,但现在对于native speaker来说,不加as最地道。

以下参考2008年编辑Peter Sokolowski的解答 网页链接

关于"Consider" and "consider as",以下四对表达中,哪个句子更地道?

He considers me as his best friend.

He considers me his best friend.

These workers are considered as a high-ranking group.

These workers are considered a high-ranking group.

I consider him as clever.

I consider him clever.

I consider activities such as jogging and weightlifting as unnatural.

I consider activities such as jogging and weightlifting unnatural.

编辑Emily Brewster的回答是:

这四对表达中,不加as的更符合习惯表达 (more idiomatic)。也需要注意到,Merriam-Webster's Concise Dictionary of English Usage中有关consider的描述是:"加上as的表达在以前更常用,现在不怎么用。尽管如此,consider ... as依然是标准的用法。"

Peter Sokolowski的回答是:尽管如此,以下表达对我来说更自然、更常见:

He considers me (to be) his best friend.

These workers are considered (to be) a high-ranking group.

I consider him clever.

I consider activities such as jogging and weightlifting unnatural.


3 [+ obj] : to think of or regard (someone or something) in a specified way
▪ I consider the price (to be) too high.
▪ We consider careful work (to be) essential.
▪ We consider it an honor to have you here with us tonight.
▪ a television program that is considered one of the best comedies ever
▪ He considers himself to be a great writer.
▪ Consider yourself lucky/fortunate that you survived the accident. [=you are lucky to have survived the accident]

可以看出,consider + as 的结构越来越不常用了。
