



1、He weighed himself on thebathroom scales.(他用浴室磅秤称体重。)

2、She went to thebathroom, filled a glass with water, returned to the bed.(她去了盥洗室,灌满了一杯水,回到床前。)

3、He has been known to spend all morning in thebathroom.(听说他整个上午都待在盥洗室里。)

4、Thebathroom floor was running with water.(浴室的地面上全是水。)

5、When I've finished painting thebathroom, I'm going to do the kitchen too.(我油漆完浴室后,还要油漆厨房。)

6、The kids made a mess in thebathroom.(孩子们把浴室搞得一塌糊涂。)

7、He looked in thebathroom to make sure that he was alone.(他往那间浴室里看了看,以核实那就他一个人。)

8、There is only onebathroom shared between eight bedrooms.(只有一个供8个卧室共同使用的卫生间。)

9、The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen andbathroom and blowing out windows.(罐子爆炸了,毁了厨房和浴室,也炸掉了窗户。)

10、Does anybody know the way to thebathroom?(有没有人知道到卫生间的路怎么走?)

11、Thebathroom is entirely my own creation.(这个浴室完全是我个人的创作。)

12、He headed to thebathroom to wash up.(他去盥洗室洗漱。)
