


Li Qingzhao (1084-about 1155) of an easy lay, outstanding poetess of the Southern Song, Han, Shandong Jinan, and Subtle words were. Born in the Northern Song Dynasty Yuanfeng seven years, Shandong Zhangqiu, Linan died at the age of 71-year-old. And Jinan Xin Qiji licheng people referred to as the "Second Security Jinan." His father, Li Ge Fei, the Northern Song Dynasty Qi County state calendar, and Qilu well-known scholar, essayist. Wang's mother, known Shanwen book. Fu Zhao Mingcheng for Zhao Tingson, Jinshi textual criticism at home. Li Qingzhao off early life, the book can be text, proficient in music. Zhao Mingcheng married and working together to organize the stone paintings, the preparation of the "golden recorded." His home for the "easyStudy" Li Qingzhao it also regards himself as an easy lay. After the fall of the Central Plains, with her husband Nanliu lived back and forth, miserable life of suffering. Ming-cheng died, the situation alone. David invited family, Well-known in the word, poetry and works, and have the words Li Qingzhao theory, in the history of Chinese literature enjoys a high reputation, "the text there are Li Qingzhao, Wu Qin Liangyu." Stability of the early years of life, love to write multi-word love; gold soldiers after the invasion, the country suffered great changes, unless the word emotion Falling background. Her poetry and a sense of history when the Wing, with different words the wind. She also specializes in painting, musicSame. Existing poems and words for future generations of the series, the "wordsuyu" and so on. Stands for "word, when a special one also." And she has also written a unique word, referred to as the "body Yian." Chinese history is the only name to be used as a female space Crater.

第1个回答  2010-11-14
李清照(生于1084年3月13日~1155年5月12日亡),宋代女词人,号易安居士,济南(今山东济南)人。她生于神宗元丰七年(公元1084年)二月五日(3月13日),卒于高宗绍兴二十五年(公元1155年)四月十日(5月12日)。早期生活优裕,与丈夫赵明诚共同致力于金石书画的搜集整理,共同从事学术研究,志趣相投,生活美满。金兵入据中原,流落南方,赵明诚病死,李清照境遇孤苦。一生经历了表面繁华、危机四伏的北宋末年和动乱不已、偏安江左的南宋初年。 书法名家丁嘉耕小楷书写李清照词三首
李清照是中国古代罕见的才女。她擅长书、画,通晓金石,而尤精诗词。她的词作独步一时,流传千古,被誉为"词家一大宗"。她的词分前期和后期。前期多写其悠闲生活,多描写爱情生活、自然景物,韵调优美。如《一剪梅》等。后期多慨叹身世,怀乡忆旧,情调悲伤。如《声声慢》。她的人格像她的作品一样令人崇敬。她既有巾帼之淑贤,更兼须眉之刚毅;既有常人愤世之感慨,又具崇高的爱国情怀。她不仅有卓越的才华,渊博的学识,而且有高远的理想,豪迈的抱负。她在文学领域里取得了多方面的成就。在同代人中,她的诗歌、散文和词学理论都能高标一帜、卓尔不凡。而她毕生用力最勤,成就最高影响最大的则是词的创作。她的词作在艺术上达到了炉火纯青的境界。形成了自己独特的艺术风格--"易安体"。她不追求砌丽的藻饰,而是提炼富有表现力的"寻常语度八音律",用白描的手法来表现对周围事物的敏锐感触,刻画细腻、微妙的心理活动,表达丰富多样的感情体验,塑造鲜明、生动的艺术形象。在她的词作中,真挚的感情和完美的形式水乳交融,浑然一体。她将"语尽而意不尽,意尽而情不尽"的婉约风格发展到了顶峰,以致赢得了婉约派词人"宗主"的地位。同时,她词作中的笔力横放、铺叙浑成的豪放风格,又使她在宋代词坛上独树一帜,从而对辛弃疾、陆游以及后世词人有较大影响。她杰出的艺术成就赢得了后世文人的高度赞扬。后人认为她的词"不徒俯视巾帼,直欲压倒须眉",她被称为"宋代最伟大的一位女词人,也是中国文学史上最伟大的一位女词人"。 有《易安居士文集》等著作传世。代表作有《声声慢》、《一剪梅》、《如梦令》、《夏日绝句》、《醉花阴》《武陵春》等。最为有名的要数《夏日绝句》,还有《渔家傲》中婉转的梦境,李清照的文学创作具有鲜明独特的艺术风格,婉约派代表人物之一,对后世影响较大,在词坛中独树一帜,称为“易安体”。


第2个回答  2010-11-13