

  故事主角Troy Bolton是个篮球天才,自小以篮球为目标,他的父亲兼教练,指引着他。Gabriella Montez 则是难得的理科奇才,又有“爱因斯坦”的称号,而且她取得了不少惊人的成绩而且心地善良。他们两人本是两个不同世界的人,在除夕假期的一个卡拉OK比赛中,将重唱发挥的淋漓尽致。假期结束后,他们更发觉由于Gabriella的妈妈调换了工作环境,Gabriella和Troy就读於同一学校!学校音乐剧角色的选拔也即将开始,于是 Troy 及 Gabriella 打算参加试音,希望成为学校最新音乐剧的男女主角。由于篮球比赛和学术比赛渐渐逼近,这都关系到学校的荣誉。为了能让Troy一心投入篮球比赛,让Gabriella认真准备学术全能比赛,篮球队成员和学术社成员联合起来劝阻他们退出音乐剧的选拔。Gabriella 新认识的朋友 Taylor McKessie 及 Troy 的好友兼支持者 Chad Danforth 知道消息后均表示不赞成,Chad 不希望见到自己的篮球偶像登上舞台,而 Taylor 则担心自己带领的学术比赛队伍将失去一个重要的队员。一向都是学校音乐剧主角的 Sharpay Evans 及 Ryan Evans 亦担心自己在学校的地位将受动摇千方百计地策划计谋阻止他们参加角色选拔。虽然如此,但 Troy 及 Gabriella 并没有因此而放弃,反而更积极追寻自己的梦想,亦影响到其他同学向别人展示一些他们一直隐藏起来的才华!后来,队友们体会到了扼杀朋友的梦想是残忍的,于是重新给予他们鼓励和帮助,Troy的父亲也清楚地了解到儿子的倔强和梦想,于是对他说:“只要你快乐就好!”这给了Troy很大的动力,Gabriella也开始有了信心。
  Sharpay 和 Ryan 将音乐剧选拔赛时间恶意更改,使篮球赛、学术全能比赛和音乐剧选拔赛同时举行。出乎意料的是,队友们信誓旦旦地向他们保证一定会让他们参加比赛,并设计了策略使篮球赛的计分器发生故障,学术比赛中化学物品产生毒气从而让两项比赛暂停。当 Troy 和 Gabriella 赶到剧场,音乐剧选拔已经结束,在两人和钢琴家的恳求下,他们终于获准参赛,所有的队友都到场为他们鼓励。
  Gabriella 和 Troy 唱出了令人惊叹的水平,最终获得了冠军。在篮球赛和学术比赛中他们因为勇气再次获胜。 Sharpay 和 Ryan 认识到自己的错误并真诚祝贺他们, Gabriella 和 Troy 原谅了他们并和他们成为朋友,对未来充满了信心和期待。
  This movie is about the life in the high school. The wonderful songs in it are really amazing. Gabriella is a girl who is a very good student and Troy is a boy who is good at basketball. They met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party. They had a really good time and became friends. Both of them wanted to find their music dream.And then after the winter break,they decided to run for a part in their school’s musical.But Sharpay and Ryan Evans, the two actors who've been in every school musical,tried their best to stop them. But Troy and Gabriella's call back was amazing, So they got the leading parts in the musical, and Ryan and Sharpay were the understudies.


第1个回答  2010-11-13
Youth Song and Dance is the strongest in the history of Disney Channel original TV movie, the highest in the first song and dance. People who play music to express their own ideas. Watched the film, we understand a truth: everything not to be a result of their local influence can not be truly happy in the competition, only the courage to face to get their desired results. This is a real young people who belong to the contemporary musical.
& 我原以为你是我的童话
I thought you were my fairy tale
But most of all,
I choose the person who inspires my heart.
Which is why I picked a school that’s exactly 32.7 miles from you.(转身对Gabriella说)
Miss Gabriella Montez,
Stanford University, Pre-Law