
A.I wish .too.I believe we will have a great time there.B.Neither have I.I want to go there, I want to go to the space museum,too. C.Yes,Now it‘s getting late.Where will you go? D.Have you ever been to a science now.E.I want to see a film in the theater now. F.how hucky you are! I wish I will go there with you that day.G.Twenty yuan.we have no time now.Let's go! H.Iwant to go ,too.How much is the ticket? I.Yes,I have.I want there lasi year. But I have never been to an amusement park. J.I haven't ever been to the space museum,either. My father said he would take me there one day.

D.Have you ever been to a science now.
I.Yes,I have.I went to there last year. But I have never been to an amusement park.
B.Neither have I.I want to go there, I want to go to the space museum,too.
J.I haven't ever been to the space museum,either. My father said he would take me there one day.
F. how lucky you are! I wish I will go there with you that day.
A.I wish .too.I believe we will have a great time there.
C.Yes,Now it‘s getting late.Where will you go?
E. I want to see a film in the theater now.
H. I want to go ,too.How much is the ticket?
G. Twenty yuan.we have no time now.Let's go!
