
It's a very nice day in October.The students are having a math class.Bue Bob is looking out of the window and watch the clouds moving across the blue sky."Boy,what a day to play football"he thinks.Just then the bell pings and wakes him from his daydream.He closes his notebook sadly,stand up,andwalks slowly to his next class.

It's a very nice day in October. The students are having a math class. Bue Bob is looking out of the window and watch the clouds moving across the blue sky. "Boy, what a day to play football"he thinks. Just then the bell rings and wakes him from his daydream. He closes his notebook sadly,stand up, and walks slowly to his next class.

这是十月里异常晴朗的一天。学生们在上数学课。但是鲍勃却看着窗外,望着白云在蔚蓝的天空中漂浮。 “伙计,今天踢足球真是棒极了”,他想着。就在这时,铃声响了,把他从白日梦中唤醒了过来。他沮丧地合上他的笔记本,然后站起来,慢慢地向他下节课的教室走去。
第1个回答  2010-11-16