
初中范围内出现过的都行,我要的是这种: stop+v.+doing,like+V.+doing,help+do/to do,是这样的,很实用的可以应付考试的这种规律,应该有人自己总结过的吧~多少都行,多多益善,非常感谢!

1.look after
2.like doing sth/enjoy doing sth
3.be good at...
4.talk about/of sth
5.talk to/with sb
6.come from
7.borrow...from/lend to
8.lots of=a lot of
9.it's time for...
10.spend...(in)doing sth
11.spend ...on sth
12.a member of...
13.all the time
15.meet up
16.thank sb for doing sth
17.would like to do sth
18.look forward to (doing) sth
19.what do you think of...
20.worry about
21.get ready for
22.chat with sb
24.learn about sth
25.the answer to
26.dress up as
27.tell sb about sth
28.give sb sth as a treat
29.make...out of...
30.be going to
31.take sb for a walk
32.be excited
33.on the other side of...
34.try to do something
35.knock on=knock at
36.give sb a treat of sth
37.shine through


第1个回答  2010-10-29