

中文the Chinese language; Chinese:
且不说中文期刊,外文期刊也订了不少。Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese
.中文书刊books and magazines in Chinese
他学过一点中文,还没有涉足中国文学。He’s learned a bit of Chinese and not yet set foot in Chinese literature.
你有中文软件吗?Do you have Chinese software?
为了学好中文 (起见)in order to learn Chinese well
他对中文只懂得一点儿皮毛。He has only a smattering of Chinese.
我希望我能说流利的中文。I hope to be able to speak fluent Chinese.
那老外中文讲得不错。The foreigner speaks Chinese well.
要学好中文,飞下苦功不可。You have to work hard to master Chinese.
我们要考他们的中文。We’ll examine their Chinese.
教中文只不过是他的一个兼差。Teaching Chinese is just his side job.
他的中文底子很好。He has a solid grounding in Chinese.
我的中文丢了十几年了。I haven’t used my Chinese for more than ten years.
我学中文,得益不少。I’ve got a lot out of studying Chinese.
我的中文还不够好。My Chinese still isn’t good enough.
他的中文不次于你。His Chinese is as good as yours.
他的中文也还可以。His Chinese is passable.
把这篇文章译成中文。Translate the article into Chinese.
第1个回答  2014-05-20
第2个回答  2014-05-20