

二十四孝_忠孝双全 明朝湖南道川守将沉至绪,有一个独生女儿,名叫沈云英。自小聪明好学,跟父亲学得一身好武艺。因其父率兵迎异军死在战场上,当时沈云英才十七岁,她登上高处大声呼曰:“我虽然是一个小女子,为完成父亲守城的遗志,我要决一死战。希望全体军民保卫家乡。”大家深受感动,发誓要夺回失地。很快解除了包围,取得了胜利。沈云英找到父亲的尸体,大声痛哭,全体军民都穿上孝服,参加了葬礼。朝廷下令追封沉至绪为副总兵,并任命沈云英为游击将军,继续守卫道州府。后来人们为她建了一座忠孝双全的纪念祠。有诗颂曰: 异军攻城围义兵,娥眉汗马解围城;父仇围难两湔雪,千古流芳忠孝名。Man pages _ Zhongxiao queen Ming-Chuan Wu Jiang, Hunan Road to Xu Shen, a daughter, named Shen Yun-ying. Smart studious young age, my father learned a swordsman. Shuaibing Ying horizon due to his father died on the battlefield, when Shen Yun excellence 17 years old, she boarded the height loud call, saying: "Although I was a small woman, for the completion of his father Shoucheng's behest, I would like to become accustomed. hope that the whole army to defend the homeland. "everyone was deeply moved and vowed to regain lost ground. Quickly lifted the siege, to victory. Shen Yun-ying to find his father's body, crying loudly, all the soldiers wore mourning to attend the funeral. Bestowed on the court order to thread the Fuzong Bing Shen, and named Shen Yun-ying for the guerrilla general, continue to guard the Road state capital. It was built for her a temple to commemorate the Chunghsiao queen. Song A poem reads: Different military siege Wai-yi soldiers, crescent siege city of Khan MA; Fu Chou Wai difficult 2 Jian Xue, Liu-Fang Chung Hsiao name through the ages.二十四孝_上书救父 汉文帝时,有一位叫淳于意的人,拜齐国著名医师杨庆为师,学得一手高超的医术,曾经做过齐国的仓令。他的老师去世以后,弃官行医。因为个性刚直,行医的时候,得罪了一位有权势的人,导致后来自己遭陷害,被押往京城治罪。他的女儿名叫缇萦,虽然是一位弱小女子,然而不辞劳苦,长途跋涉一同前往长安向皇帝诉冤。她陈述了肉刑的害处,并说明了父亲做官时清廉爱民,行医时施仁济世,现在确实是遭人诬害。愿意替父受刑。汉文帝被缇萦的孝心深深感动,赦免了她的父亲,并且下诏书废除了肉刑。有诗颂曰: 随父赴京历苦辛,上书意切动机定; 诏书特赦成其孝,又废肉刑惠后人。 Man pages _ petitioned Jiufu Emperor Wen of Han, there are a named Chunyu Italian people, thanks to well-known physician Qi Yang as a teacher, learned first-hand the superb art of healing, Qi positions have done so. After the death of his teacher, Qi Guan practice. Because upright and outspoken personality, practice time, offended a powerful person, which later led to his being framed and was then transferred to capital punishment. His daughter called Ti-ying, though a small woman, but the painstaking work, and travel long distances to travel together to the Emperor Chang-Su Yuan. She stated the harmful effects of corporal punishment, and describes his father as an official when the clean and loving, practicing medicine Ren Shi save the world, and now is really being Wuhai. For the parent is willing to torture. Han Emperor Wen Ti-ying of filial piety have been deeply moved, pardoned her father, and the abolition of corporal punishment under the imperial edict. Song A poem reads: Calendar Kuxin father to Beijing, a petition intended to cut motive determined; edict into its filial amnesty, abolition of corporal punishment also benefit future generations.