〔高分〕写一篇申请研究生的project proposal(art/design类)

Please base your proposal around a topic which you want to explore or investigate at an advanced level.Your proposal for study and research may be either practice-based or based around theoretical/written research,or both.within 1000 words,please outline and discuss:
• What you want to do(the nature of study)
• Where this interest comes from and what it relates to?(e.g. previous work leading up to this; your own background in art/design leading to current interest; work by other artists/designers which might be relevant to or inform your study; other contexts which are related(e.g. areas of theory)
• What sort of media,methods,and processes you would use.
• The field pr discrpline most closely related to your project or topic(e.g. product design.Bussiness,Branding,etc).If more than one please write 'inter-discliplinary' and indiate the two nearest related discrplines.

下面我简单说一下我的情况,请结合这些写出一篇饱满的文章,为了让文章丰富和可信,可能需要给出一些调查,比如美国每年有多少多少公司在投资产品包装设计人才等等。 只要达到800字,就追加20分:
我有4年的fine art本科学习 和1年的Graphic Design的diploma学习。
• 我想发掘自己对设计的潜能,提高设计作品的视觉效果,以及将美观与实用性相结合
• 我的兴趣是从小时候开始的。我从小喜欢画画(艺术),我对于颜色和美有着独特的理解,我相信生活中离不开设计,一个好的设计可以给予一个物品生命和性格。而且就目前的市场调查来看,设计对于我们的重要性与日俱增,在中国,越来越多的公司愿意投资在产品的包装上,因为他们一个抢眼的包装是产品高品质的象征,也是最大的卖点之一。通过一年的graphic Design的学习,我对于包装设计有了更深的了解,我认识到要做一个好的设计不仅是对于软件应用的熟悉,更是独一无二的想法。我在一年中做出了几个我个人比较满意的作品,但是在今天看来,有些设计在华丽的外表下,仍然需要考虑更多设计与实用性和成本的结合,这个是我在将来的学习中需要深入思考的。
• 我擅长铅笔和钢笔,以及水彩的手绘,软件上我擅长Photoshop,illustrator和indesign。
• 我个人比较感兴趣包装设计和品牌设计(packaging and branding)

Art and Design MA Studies
Project Proposal eForm

As part of the application process for postgraduate study you are required to
submit a short project proposal. Please complete this project proposal eForm; it is
essential that you complete each section.


The title of your research project:
An investigation into creating and selling a brand/brands without exaggerating its
benefits in an unfriendly recessed market.

Your specific area of interest/specialism in your chosen Masters degree:
Value creation of a brand on: brand positioning and strategy through benefit,
convenience, feature or glamour positioning. Studying elements that create
integrity in the formation of a brand.
A project brief which outlines your aims (why you want to research
within that area/what are you hoping to achieve) and your objectives
(how will you practically undertake your research?):
My aim is to create a transition for a product into a brand without losing my
customer in a depressed or need-based market. To make my clients understand
the importance of branding and to bring to the forefront the value adding
talent/personality of brands.

I seek to fulfil my aim by using IDEO methods of research such as questionnaires,
surveys and interviewing. Studying case studies is another important tool in this

Who will be the audience for your completed MA work e.g. your
current/future employer, publishers, suppliers, customers, to inform
further study:
Customers/clients and suppliers.

What relevant qualifications/professional work experience do you have:
I have studied visual communication design for x years and worked in the same
field for x years.

How does your proposal relate to your existing study or work experience
if applicable:
I am a visual communicator by profession. Through my experience in this
industry I have interacted with clients for whom I have created and designed
brands across the commercial and cultural spectrum for mediocre design and
strategy for creating and establishing the visual tone and grammar of a brand;
not realizing they’re being pennywise, pound-foolish.

What resources will you require: Case studies, library, internet, camera, voice
recorder, printer, photocopy machine, people.