用所给的短语造句。 一个短语造一个句子。。

【1】weave around根据。。。。而写成
【2】be in keeping with与。。。。一致;与。。。协调
【3】for sb对。。。而言
【4】escape from从。。。中逃脱
【5】identify oneself with把自己与。。。等同;和。。。打成一片
【6】appeal to吸引。。。
【7】put across使被理解;使被接受
【8】take to喜欢。。。

1.I weave around the swarm of the press.
2.The dancing is in keeping with the music.
3.It is difficult for him to solve the problem.
4.The woman escaped from the room sucessfully.
5.The manager identifies himself with the workers.
6. The culture appeals to the tourists.
7. The words are put across to the students.
8. I took to music when I was a child.
第1个回答  2010-11-02
1.Dramatized ads weave plots around products.
2.I will be in keeping with you.
3.For me ,basketball is my favorite.
4.The slave escaped from the slave owner last year.
5.we chould identify oursevles with the society.
6.Does this film appeal to you?
7.Nobody knows how to put this poem across.
8.They took to each other at once.
第2个回答  2010-11-16
T take to shopping