differ from的意思是什么呢?


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析differ from和 different from的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "Differ from":表示与某物或某人不同,强调在某个方面或特征上的差异。

- "Different from":也表示与某物或某人不同,侧重于整体上的差异或对比。


- Her opinion differs from mine in terms of environmental protection. (在环境保护方面,她的观点与我的不同。)

- His personality is different from his twin brother's. (他的个性与他的孪生兄弟不同。)

2. 用法区别:

- "Differ from"常与名词性词组连用,强调对比中的差异。

- "Different from"常与形容词性或代词性词组连用,侧重于对比中的整体差异。


- Their viewpoints differ from each other on this matter. (他们在这个问题上观点不同。)

- This car is different from the one I saw yesterday. (这辆车和我昨天看到的那辆不同。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "Differ from"可用于描述具体事物或概念之间的差异,不限于正式或非正式场合。

- "Different from"更常用于日常交流、非正式场合或口语中。


- The culture of this country differs from that of my home country. (这个国家的文化与我的祖国不同。)

- His teaching style is different from what we are used to. (他的教学风格与我们习惯的不同。)

4. 形象区别:

- "Differ from"强调在某个方面的具体差异,突出差异之间的特定区别。

- "Different from"在形象上更加普遍,强调整体上的不同或对比。


- The new design differs from the old one in color and shape. (新设计在颜色和形状上与旧设计不同。)

- The two paintings are very different from each other. (这两幅画互相大不相同。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "Differ from"通常用于描述两个或多个具体事物之间的差异或个体之间的不同,范围相对较窄。

- "Different from"更常用于描述整体之间的不同或更广泛的对比。


- I have to say, her perspective on this issue differs from everyone else in the group. (我不得不说,她在这个问题上的观点与小组里其他人都不同。)

- The architecture in this city is completely different from what I expected. (这座城市的建筑与我预期的完全不同。)
