英语造句 八年级学生水平


1. 这座桥大约有500米长.
The bridge is about 500 meters long.
2. 你愿意参加我的生日晚会吗?愿意.
Would you like to take part in my birthday party? Yes, I’d like to.
3. 在他50多岁时开始学英语.
He began to study English at the age of 50.
4. 云南的天气既不太冷也不太热.
The weather in YunNan is neither too hot nor too cold.
5. 他的父母都是地理老师.
Both of his parents are geography teachers.
10 Tom 不如我跳得高.
Tom doesn’t jump as high as me.
11 如果你能赶上头班车,你一定不会迟到.
You mustn’t be late if you can catch the first bus.
12 你的朋友一到这儿, 我就给你打电话.
I will call you as soon as your friend comes here.
13 当司机开车的时候,不要与他们谈话.
Don’t talk with the drivers when they are driving.
14 在你开始做练习之前,你应该反复地复习.
You should review again and again before you begin to do the exercise.
15 他每天吃过晚饭都出去散步.
He goes out for a walk after supper every day.
16 这个主意听起来不错,我们会好好考虑的.
The idea sounds very good, we will think it over.
17 展出的小汽车都是中国制造的.
The cars on show are all made in China.
18 我的自行车已经坏了,它再也走不动了.
My bike is broken, it doesn’t work any more.
19 上周日上午九点到11点你一直在玩电脑游戏吗?
Were you playing computer games from 9to11 last Sunday morning?
20 她说下个月电视上将有一场精彩的足球比赛.
She said there would be an exciting football match on TV the next month.
21 昨天苹果很便宜,所以我买了很多.
The apples were very cheap yesterday, so I bought a lot.
22 孩子们已经走了两个多小时了,他们得停下来休息了.
The children have walked for more than 2hours, they have to stop to have a rest.
23 保持环境清洁是我们每一个人的责任.
Keeping our environment clean is everyone’s duty.
24 李先生经常在学习上帮助我.
Mr.Li often helps me with my study.
25 老师总是告诉我们要每天说英语.
The teacher always tells us to speak English every day.
26 我认为两个答案都不对.
I think neither of the answers is right.
27 当老师走进教室时,学生们立刻停止了谈话.
The students stopped talking at once when the teacher came into the classroom.
28 你们昨天花了多长时间写完作业的?
How long did it take you to finish writing your homework yesterday.
29 这个故事和那个故事一样有趣.
This story is as interesting as that one.
30 昨晚,那部电影直到晚上10点才开始.
Last night, that film didn’t begin until 10 o’clock.
31 你最好多读一些有关科学方面的书.
You’d better read more books on science.
32 雨一停,我们就去放风筝.
We will go to fly the kites as soon as the rain stops.