i like chinese 英语作文 200词


I like Chinese food
Dears,how many chinese foods do you know?I'd like to introduce several homely chinese foods.
The first one is noodles.There are many kinds of noodles here.Such as:rolled surface noodles,pulled noodles,cut noodles and fried noodles.All of them are delicious.
The second one is Dumpling.Dumpling,yes,and I bet you must know it.You must have watched the famous Kungfu Panda cartoon movie.These two typical chinese foods are both shown in the movie:noodles and dumpling.But we also have another dumpling.we have to put them into hot water before they can be eaten ,and we often have them during our spring festeval.
The third must be chinese fried dishes.There are The Eight Cuisines.Each one has it's own features.
I like chiense foods very much.I hope you like it as well .

I like Chinese movies
Chinese film industry have a kung fu star,his ancestral home in Shandong,enjoys a high reputation and influence in the Chinese world.He and Stephen Chow,Zhou Runfa and said "double Monday into",meaning Hongkong movie box office guarantee.Best action has won the honorary title of Hongkong awards design.He,Jackie Chan.
Chinese film contains a mysterious Chinese culture,I love Jackie Chan,I love Chinese movies.
中国电影界 有一位功夫巨星,他祖籍山东,在华人世界享有极高声望与影响.他与周星驰、周润发并称“双周一成”,意为香港电影的票房保证.多次获得香港金像奖的最佳动作设计名誉称号.他,就是成龙.中国电影蕴含着神秘的中国文化,我喜欢成龙,我喜欢中国电影.
In china,I ofter fo to movies at my leisure time.Among all the Chinese movies,I like Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon best.The movie is adapted from a famous Chinese novel and the story is fantastic.The directoe is from Taiwan.He 's really gifted.And i like all the actors and actresses in the movie.They're from different parts of China,and all of them are popular stars.I like the music in this movie oarticularly.It's very beautiful.You'd better not miss the opportunity to watch this movie.