

第1个回答  2014-01-24
第2个回答  2020-03-31
第3个回答  2014-01-24
In the Three Gorges in seven hundred, the two sides are rolling mountains, almost without interruption. The layers of the cliff, rows of cliffs, the sky and the sun shading. If not in the noon, in the middle of the night, even the sun and the moon are not see. In the summer, the water rose hill river diffuse on time, the upstream and downstream vessels are blocked, no navigation. Sometimes the emperor's orders to rapid communication, this time as long as the early morning boat from Baidicheng, evening to Jiangling. Intermediate are one thousand two hundred Li apart, and even riding a horse, riding a gale, nor is it fast. In the spring, winter two season, white rapids, deep green lake, swing the Shiba, reflecting the different scenery shadow. In the high mountains, there grows many of odd shape of cypress trees, in the mountains, often suspended springs and waterfalls whipping. Clear water, tree Rong, Yamadaka, Cao Sheng, fun. In the autumn, every time or early morning frost, the woods and streams showing a cool and quiet. The high SV calls out the voice, sound continuously, very sad. Echo, to apes from empty valley sad melody, a long time before it disappeared. So the fisherman's song sings: 'Badong Three Gorges wu long, apes sound three sound tears stained clothing!'