


1、Guess who i saw at the party yesterday?你猜我昨天在聚会上遇见谁了?

2、I guess that he 's already left dalian.据我揣测,他已经离开大连了。

3、I guess i lost faith and i was wrong.我想我失去了信心,然而我错了。

4、Guess who i have just seen marcia.你猜刚才我看见谁了?玛西娅。

5、She might have begun to guess his meaning.她也许已经猜到了他的意思。

6、I guess his girl has given him the gate.我猜他被他的女友甩掉了。

7、You will never guess how they got in.你永远也猜不透他们是怎么进去的!

8、I guess there's a war on of sorts sir.我看有点儿象打仗的样子,先生。

9、Yes-but how you guess everything.对,你真是料事如神,一猜就着!

10、First i guess i better look at that leak.我想我先应该看看漏水的地方。

11、It's difficult to see guess in a sentence.用guess造句挺难的。

12、I guess i wasn't flexible enough.我想可能是因为我不那么驯服。

13、I guess i'll have to chalk it up to experience.我想我必须记住这个教训。

14、I guess she didn't come here after all.我想她根本就没来这儿。

15、I guess it will interfere with your portrait.依我看,这会耽误你去画像。
