

第1个回答  2023-05-23


1.简单句结构(Simple Sentence)

简单句只由一个主语和一个谓语组成。例如:She sings. He eats an apple.

2.并列句结构(Compound Sentence)

并列句结构由两个或以上的简单句通过连词连接而成。例如:He likes to sing, and she likes to dance. They swam in the pool, and they played games on the beach.

3.复合句结构(Complex Sentence)

复合句结构由一个主句和一个或多个从句组成。从句可以是名词从句、形容词从句或者副词从句。例如:I don't know why he didn't come. She is happy when she sees him.

4.独立主格结构(Absolute Phrase)

独立主格结构由一个名词或代词和一个形容词或分词构成,用于进一步修饰整个句子,常放在句首或句尾,具有强调的作用。例如:Her voice trailing off, she left the room. The game being over, we went home.

5.并列结构(Parallel Structure)

并列结构表示在文本中重复使用相同的词语或句子结构。例如:Skiing is a sport; Snowboarding is a sport. She likes swimming, running, and hiking.

6.同位语结构(Appositive Phrase)

同位语结构一般紧跟在名词后面,用来进一步说明或解释前面的名词。例如:My friend Claire, a professor of English, is coming over tonight. The city of New York, the most populous city in the United States, is located on the East Coast.

7.嵌套结构(Nested Structure)


例如:The book, which was written by my uncle's best friend's brother-in-law, has sold millions of copies. I saw her walking to work, carrying a heavy backpack, and listening to music with her headphones on.

