

第1个回答  2022-11-02




  kept in touch with

  be in touch

  keep in touch

  stay in touch

  kept in touch



  He kept in touch with his manager.


  Let's keep in touch.


  I kept in touch with my clas *** ates during my journey.


  "Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with the closest relatives."

  For several years I kept in touch with her 几年来,我一直和她保持联络。

  She's still keen to keep in touch 她仍旧很愿意保持联络。

  They embraced and promised to keep in touch 他们互相拥抱,许诺将保持联络。

  The doctor was in touch by telephone with his patients 医生通过电话与病人保持联络

  He kept in touch with us while he was on vacation 他在度假期间仍与我们保持联络

  They keep in touch with their members by issuing a quarterly newsletter 他们印发内部季刊与会员保持联络

  Even if we cannot agree, we should maintain our contact 即使我们不能取得一致, 我们也要保持联络

  I wanted to keep in touch, but when I called him he gave me the brush-off 我想和他保持联络,但当我 打电话给他时,他却不理睬我。

  It is important for us to meet personally although we have been in touch in various ways 尽管我们以多种方式保持联络,见面对我们来说还是非常重要的。

  Some officials claimed to unhook connections with the panies but stillmaintained close ties on the sly 某些干部口称已跟公司脱钩,可暗中仍然保持联络

  Stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and othervirtual resources 通过线上资讯留言板, 聊天室, 邮件或其他网路方式和他们保持联络

  Have you been keeping in touch with your financial sponsor? 你和你的担保人保持联络 吗 ?

  We now keep in touch with him by write letter 我们现在靠写信与他保持联络

  Do you keep up with your clas *** ates in high school? 你与高中的同学保持联络 吗 ?

  Maintain liaison with assigned customer technical and mercialpersonnel 与指定客户的技术和业务人员保持联络

  Be sure to keep munication open with those you live with 一定要与你一起生活的人保持联络,保证资讯畅通

  What is your opinion on maintaining contact with former lovers marriage? 婚后,如果一个人仍然跟他以前的情人保持联络,你的看法是什么?

  I still keep up with my correspondence with him 我仍然继续和他保持联络

  It's hard to keep track of all one's old school friends 与中学时的所有老校友都保持联络是很困难的

  The two kept in touch by sending e - mail almost every day 双方几乎每天都通过电子邮件保持联络