

  Spend time together. It might be easy to be physically in the same place as your mom or dad (like at home — it's where you all live, after all.) But how much time do you spend just enjoying each other's company? Instead of playing a computer game or watching TV, maybe ask your mom and dad to play with you. Go outside together, try a board game, or read a book out loud. If your parents are divorced, make the most of the time you do spend together. In between, talk on the phone (or video chat) and email each other to stay in touch.
  Share your feelings and ask for help. Many kids say they'd like their parents to help them when they're upset. But your mom or dad might not know that you're having a problem. Tell a parent if you're sad or struggling with something. If you don't usually do this, it can feel funny at first. Try it and you'll be glad you did.
  Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can brighten a parent's day with a hug, a card, or a joke. It's also lovely when a kid offers to help fold the laundry or cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be so thrilled they'll do a silly dance around the kitchen!
  Show you care. Some families are always kissing, hugging, and saying "I love you." Other families aren't as lovey-dovey. But it's important to show that you care for each other. In addition to kisses and hugs, kids and parents show their love by respecting each other, and being caring, polite, and thoughtful.
  Do your best at whatever you do. You don't have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud. It makes them happy to see how you're turning into such a great kid. Why? Because it lets them know they're doing a good job.

第1个回答  2015-04-26
Dear Alice,
  As a teenager,I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you。
  Your mother talks much,because she cares about you. Maybe it's not a good way,but it shows your mother's love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother's,you can communicate with her,and tell her what you are thinking about。
  If your mother doesn't take your advice,just keep silent and give her a smile。
  I hope what I say here can help you a lot。本回答被网友采纳