

White: Tang said the four is the west along the way. One day, they came to the king's territory, opened a prelude to the three strikes. (at the same time the play, walk to the left side of the stage, and then to the right, while his side, look like.) (the end) Wu: I'm Sun Wukong, with a stick in hand, monster can appear, all be the death of me empty. (look) master, master, no monster. (Music: "Four Little Swan", master three jump four little swan entrance, at the center of the stage, one hand for the Buddha like) Tang Seng: Amitabha, trek. Bajie: hungry. (three were hungry, hungry soundtrack: sound) sand monk: hot and tired. Wukong: my fault...... Tang Seng: monkey, monkey! Wukong: (front flip to master chef). Tang Seng what's wrong? Wukong: we seem to be lost. Tang Seng: pig, map! (the pig from her arms out to map to the monkey, monkey took the map across the sky, the other three are sat down on the ground, a score: the crash) Wukong: really lost. Bajie: teacher ah, my stomach meter in empty. Tang Seng: (eight quit a push) you don't eat the winter Yang work it. (Music: Deng ~) Wukong: never mind, a somersault cloud, full of Food GUI, master wait. Bajie: brother awesome! Sand monk: but, if a monster, how to do? Goku (think like): a. (start take the Golden Circle as the three men sat at the ground) gold hoop. Bajie: flash. Sand monk: keep my apprentice. Tang Seng: go west. (right hand to heaven): This is a monkey demon in addition to protect the circle of magic. (Music: next, show time) Tang Seng: pig, you and I are void., stomach is empty, but how do I, Amitabha. (Music: Journey to the West music. Three people cross legged on the floor, to the upper part of the body, the buddha. The girl playing, music weakened) girl: little girl two eight years old, beautiful, is married, but the Tang Bao to my face, not the old millennium, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. (the girl several times to close to three people, was the ring back block) girl: the elder, and have something to eat. (eight quit flapping, is girl opened the girl: the elders, the elders). (go a distance) eyebrows a wrinkly, A stratagem comes to mind. (pretend to fall) Oh, my feet, my feet. (Tang Seng rose, sorting clothes, tending towards a girl. Music: Jazz) Tang Seng: Amitabha, the donor, are you okay? I come from the East soil Datang, went to the West and the...... Steamed buns. (see the girl in the basket Steamed buns, reach out to catch) Tang Seng: good ah ~ (he was in the girl behind the Wukong: I)! (swing and killed the girl) Tang Seng (intimidated in): Wukong, you... What have you done. Wukong: Master, she was a monster. Tang Seng nonsense! Wukong: she cheated you, fool me. Tang Seng: look at my super inhibition. (Music: only you four. Three people dancing, he put his head in his hands, very ache) Tang Seng: Amitabha, warned us. (three people sit down) (Music: humorous. The girl's mother) mother play (pretend to find daughter): daughter, daughter, where are you, where are you? I don't believe, cooked ducks fly, ha ha (with body language). Mother (to Tang Seng): Master, master, have you seen my beautiful daughter? Tang Seng: Oh, your daughter, she... She was... Eight quit (stopped Tang Seng): No, we don't see. Sand monk: Yes, is not see. Tang Seng: why you get out of the way! Donor, your daughter is my dead not only disciples. Mother: killed... Tang Seng: you have your. (he has been behind the monster, monster): where! (killed mother) Tang Seng: Wukong, what you do! Look at my magic... Well, Wukong, you without distinction of good and evil! Bajie: confuse right and wrong. (the fingers of the left hand left foot sand monk: Wukong,) is unknown. (and pig like action) Wu (Wu forehead): I am dizzy. Tang Seng: you go! Wukong: Master, master. (teacher ignored him) Oh, you will regret it! (end) Tang Seng: Amitabha, piss me off! (three people sat down to chanting, music: tragic. The girl's father father: daughter, wife to play), where are you? (to Tang Seng) you are my bowl of meat, Hei hei. Father: the elders, hello...... How do you do. HELLO! (with a stick poked Tang Seng) (three people ignore him) father: eyebrows a wrinkly, A stratagem comes to mind. (the father pretended to fall) father: Oh, foot sprain...... Hey, you help me...... This is really a sprain! Wukong: insignificant skill. (hand gun shape, while the soundtrack: pistol sound) (father fled, king himself playing) king: piss me off, I was really. Eight quit, Sha Seng (stepped forward guard): a monster! Tang Seng (not moving, very calm:)...... Oh, really
Is the monster... (suddenly stood up and shouted) monster!! Sand monk: what do we do now? Tang Seng: the first call. Tang Seng: ah, the sand monk, eight quit -- -- Tang Seng: give me ah. (pig, the sand monk fled, Tang Seng was king.) Tang Seng: Wukong, save me! (then faint in the ground) (Music: Journey to the West) king: ha ha ha. (the play): the monster, but also my teacher. King: hairy monkey, bad I good. (two people fighting, he raised his cudgel, when the machine gun, gun soundtrack: organ) Wukong (shook her lying on the floor of the Tang Seng): master... . the pig, pig, heart pacemakers, fast! (pig, the sand monk hold Tang's monk head pig feet): one two three. One two three. (Tang Seng woke up, and eight quit two down, finally up) Tang Seng: Wukong, I was wrong about you. Bajie: he is a good man. (thumb) sand monk: Well, good. (both hands thumb) Wu (a appearance action): painkiller. Bajie: keep my master. Sand monk: Buddhist scriptures. Tang Seng: Xiucheng zhengguo. (all things on the ground pick up) Wukong: Master, we go. Tang Seng: ok. (Music: Journey to the west the theme song. Four end) Narrator: four monk finally get rid of the White Bone Demon magic grasp, but who knows, there are many difficulties in waiting for them, the West Road, I hope there is a way. (play, a curtain call)
第1个回答  2023-08-25
MONKEY KING: 谁敢挡我们前进的道路?
WARRIOR: (嘲笑) 你们这样虚弱的人,怎么能去西天取经?
MONKEY KING: 你这恶鬼,不知道我们是谁吗?
WARRIOR: (轻蔑) 管你们是谁,今天你们都死定了!
MONKEY KING: (焦虑) 师傅,这恶鬼太强了,我们该怎么办?
MASTER SUI: (愁眉苦脸) 悟空,这个魔头太厉害了,我们不是他的对手。
WHITE-BONE SPIRIT: (冷笑) 唐僧,你这回可是落在我的手上了!
MASTER SUI: (镇定) 悟空,保护好师傅,我来对付这个妖精!
WHITE-BONE SPIRIT: (冷笑) 孙悟空,你能奈我何?
MONKEY KING: (愤怒) 白骨精,我一定不会放过你!
WARRIOR: (嘲笑) 你们现在就像瓮中之鳖,再也出不去了!
MASTER SUI: 悟空,我们该怎么办?
MONKEY KING: 师傅放心,我有办法。
WARRIOR: (惊恐) 怎么可能?!
WHITE-BONE SPIRIT: (愤怒) 孙悟空,你毁了我的大阵,我一定会报仇的!
MONKEY KING: (冷笑) 想跑?没那么容易!
MASTER SUI: (赞许) 悟空,你做得很好。我们继续赶路吧。
第2个回答  2013-11-19