the same as造句


the same as双语例句:

1I'd like one the same as yours. 我要一个和你一样的。

2.I think the same as you do about this. 在这件事上,我的想法和你一样。

3.They began to want their father to be the same as other daddies. 他们开始想要自己的爸爸和别人的爸爸一样。

4.It is not the same as driving a car. 这和开车可不一样。

5.I am the same as you. 我和你一样。

6.Sometimes we feel we are acting correctly when we do the same as others. 有时候,当我们和别人做同样的事情时,我们会觉得自己的行为是正确的。

7."They're the same as us," said Dickon, "only they have to build their homes every year." “它们和我们一样,”狄肯说,“只是它们每年都要重建家园。”

8.He was exactly the same as ever, and Wendy saw at once that he still had all his first teeth. 他和以前正一样,温迪立刻就看出他还长着所有乳牙。

9.The Moon's mean density is much lower than that of Earth but is about the same as that of Earth's mantle. 月球的平均密度比地球低得多,但与地球的地幔密度大致相同。

10.We treat boys exactly the same as girls. 男孩、女孩我们完全同等对待。

11.My new job is much the same as the old one. 我的新工作和旧工作差不多。

12.This year's results are virtually the same as last year's. 今年的结果几乎和去年的一样。

13.Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school. 里克一点儿没变,他和上学时一模一样。

14.I mean, it's a relationship, the same as a marriage is a relationship. 我是说,这是一种关系,跟婚姻是一种关系一样。

15.Modelling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as aping all they say or do. 以你仰慕的某个人为榜样并不等于模仿他们的全部言行。

第1个回答  2023-06-27

单词翻译:the same as 意为“和…一样”。

形式:the same + as + 对比对象。


as the same as - 和...一样的

the same as before - 和之前一样

the same as always - 始终如一

the same as ever - 一如既往

the same as yesterday - 和昨天一样

含义解释:the same as 用于表达一个事物和另一个事物在某些方面相同,或者两者之间没有区别。

语法详解:the same as 是一个形容词短语,通常作为表语、定语或副词短语出现。

具体用法:在句子中,the same as 通常修饰名词或代词,并与比较对象放在一起。


Her dress is the same as mine. (她的裙子和我的一样。)

The new phone is the same as the old one. (新手机和旧手机一样。)

Her accent is the same as her sister's. (她的口音和她姐姐一样。)

The taste of this dish is the same as last time. (这道菜的味道和上次一样。)

The temperature today is the same as yesterday. (今天的温度和昨天一样。)