


    He decided to work hard. 他决定努力学习。She hopes to study abroad one day.她希望有一天能在国外学习。He got early to arrive on time. 他早起是为了准时抵达。The meeting to be held next week will be very interesting. 下周将要举行的会议将会十分有趣。He appeals to people to protect the environment. 他呼吁人们保护环境。He went on to walk after a short rest. 短暂休息以后他继续走路。He was told not to eat spicy food. 他被告知不要吃辛辣的食物。He told an interesting story to make the atmosphere better. 他讲了一个有趣的故事让气氛更好。She was prepared to go. 她准备好要走了。Jack used to take a walk after dinner. 杰克曾经常常在晚饭后散步。