

### 高中暑期英语日记篇一
July 10, 20XX
This summer vacation, I plan to focus on sports. Playing basketball is my favorite pastime, so a group of my classmates and I have formed a team to play together. Occasionally, we might challenge other teams, and I particularly enjoy the thrill of victory when we win.
### 高中暑期英语日记篇二
On July 23rd, it was my best friend's birthday. I bought her a large stuffed toy as a gift, and I celebrated with her and a few friends. We had lunch at KFC and then went to the amusement park. We enjoyed rides like bumper cars, a roller coaster, and a Ferris wheel. We had a great time. In the evening, we finished our meal at her house and played some games.
### 高中暑期英语日记篇三
Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time.
Otherwise, you risk getting lost or hesitating to proceed. Direction equates to having objectives. Without objectives in life, you can achieve very little. Try writing your objectives down and creating a plan to reach them. This will help you understand how to manage your time and use it wisely. Additionally, maintain the belief that success is guaranteed as long as you stay focused on your goals.
### 高中暑期英语日记篇四
The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.
Today's weather is quite comfortable, despite the weather forecast indicating clouds, with just a light rain that brings a refreshing coolness.
### 高中暑期英语日记篇五
The weather was sweltering today, and I felt oppressed upon waking up early. After having breakfast, my mother asked me to accompany her shopping, but I didn't go. The heat was so intense that even moving my fingers made me sweat profusely.
### 高中暑期英语日记篇六
My family and I went to a renowned Japanese restaurant in the city center today. We arrived around 6:30, only to find a queue of people waiting. After inquiring with a girl at the venue, we learned that the restaurant is usually very busy, and it's common for people to make advance reservations. We ended up waiting for about an hour before being seated. What a waste of time!
### 高中暑期英语日记篇七
Today, I realized that time can be a cruel entity. No matter who a person is, time keeps moving forward. It doesn't wait for anyone. You can't trade anything for time. Time is also fair. Having a lot of money or a high reputation doesn't grant you more time. Today, I realized I don't have enough time. Even though I have a 50-day holiday, I found that I have a numerous tasks to accomplish. There are ample assignments to be done, and some necessary matters to attend to.