
英国有一句谚语"Education must be fun."兴趣是儿童学好第二语言的关键,激发学生学习英语的兴趣是小学英语教学的一项重要任务.在目前的英语课堂中,大部分学校经常会因客观因素的限制、教学环境与条件的有限,从而造成语言教学与生活环境脱节,导致“聋哑”英语的产生。而游戏是儿童喜爱的活动,它可以使学生在英语学习中的"听、说"等重要环节上得到训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和初步运用英语的能力,激发他们学习英语的兴趣. 在小学英语课堂中开展游戏教学,体现了"玩中学"的教学理念,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣, 引入游戏教学,把被动的学习变为主动的学习,把消极学习变为积极学习.在游戏教学过程中,教师能发现学生的优缺点,把握课堂的最优化,达到最佳效
一.课题研究的理论依据 现代教育理论认为:游戏是儿童的主导活动,是促进儿童身心发展的最好活动形式。小学生活泼好动爱表演,乐于接受新奇、趣味性强的事物,因此,在课堂教学中开展游戏教学符合小学生的心理、生理特点。教育心理学表明:当教学能引起学生兴趣时,就可以使学生在学习中集中注意更好地感知、记忆、思维和想象,从而获得较多较巩固的知识与技能,表现出求知欲望,加强对知识的探索力量,激发克服困难的意志。,因此,在英语教学中加入适当的游戏来组织教学有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,符合“乐学”的原则。心理学也证明:愉快的学习能充分调动学生的学习兴趣、积极性和发挥学生的潜能,从而增强记忆效果。呆板、枯燥、乏味、紧张的学习,只会抑制学生思维活动,降低学习效果
二.游戏教学的基本原则 本课题的研究遵循七个原则,即目的性、趣味性、适度性、多样性、启发性、主体性和思想性原则。 目的性。教师明确英语游戏教学的目的在于更加有效地完成教学任务,提高课堂教学效率。因此,在设计教学游戏时,充分考虑教学的重点、难点和其它教学要求,避免了“为游戏而游戏” 趣味性。布诺姆曾说过:“学习的最好刺激,是对所学材料的兴趣。”我们在课题研究中注重开展兴趣盎然的游戏,激发学生参与活动的热情,主动获取知识,提高能力。适度性。我们在课堂教学中深刻体会到不同年龄的学生其身心发展和知识水平有很大差异。因此,游戏的设计必须根据学生的年龄特点而有所区别,在方式方法和内容要求上都体现了游戏的广度、密度和深度的不同层次的要求,使学生乐于接受,主动参与。多样性。多样性体现在两个方面:一是游戏形式多样化,不同年级、不同教学内容我们设计了与之相适应的游戏方式;二是对同一教学内容我们设计了多项游戏进行教学,避免因游戏的单一而使学生对游戏产生厌烦情绪。 启发性。开展游戏是为了学习和巩固所学知识,活跃课堂气氛。我们根据教学内容设计了一些富有挑战性和创造性的游戏,让学生发挥想象力,表达自己的意愿或理解,培养创新精神和创新能力 主体性。新课程强调教师应指导学生开展研究性学习,让学生主动获取知识、解决问题、获得发展。因此,游戏必须以学生为中心,体现自主学习,积极参与思想性。寓思想教育于游戏教学中,使学生在生动活泼的游戏中自然地受到理想、情操、道德的熏陶,培养高尚的情操和良好的品德。 思想性。寓思想教育于游戏教学中,使学生在生动活泼的游戏中自然地受到理想、情操、道德的熏陶,培养高尚的情操和良好的品德。

Simple probing of Primary English classroom game teaching

英国有一句谚语"Education must be fun."兴趣是儿童学好第二语言的关键,激发学生学习英语的兴趣是小学英语教学的一项重要任务.在目前的英语课堂中,大部分学校经常会因客观因素的限制、教学环境与条件的有限,从而造成语言教学与生活环境脱节,导致“聋哑”英语的产生。
British proverb "Education must be fun.” interest is the key of children learning a second language. Inspire student’s interest to learn English is an important task of English teaching in primary school. In present English classroom, most schools often due to objective factors, the teaching environment and the limited conditions, it follows that language teaching and living environment are out of joint, and hence "deaf-mute" English produce.

而游戏是儿童喜爱的活动,它可以使学生在英语学习中的"听、说"等重要环节上得到训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和初步运用英语的能力,激发他们学习英语的兴趣. 在小学英语课堂中开展游戏教学,体现了"玩中学"的教学理念,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣, 引入游戏教学,把被动的学习变为主动的学习,把消极学习变为积极学习.在游戏教学过程中,教师能发现学生的优缺点,把握课堂的最优化,达到最佳效
And games are favorite activities for children; it can help students to be trained in the "listen, said "important aspects in English study. And help students to get basic knowledge of English and preliminary use of the English language, stimulate their interest in learning English. Carrying on game teaching on Classroom teaching English in primary schools, embodies the teaching concepts of “studying while playing”, it help to stimulate their interest in learning, introduce the game teaching, change a negative learning to passive learning, change inactive learning to active learning, In the process of teaching the game, teachers can discover the advantages and disadvantages of student’s, grasp the classroom and optimization, to achieve the best results

一.课题研究的理论依据 现代教育理论认为:游戏是儿童的主导活动,是促进儿童身心发展的最好活动形式。小学生活泼好动爱表演,乐于接受新奇、趣味性强的事物,因此,在课堂教学中开展游戏教学符合小学生的心理、生理特点。教育心理学表明:当教学能引起学生兴趣时,就可以使学生在学习中集中注意更好地感知、记忆、思维和想象,从而获得较多较巩固的知识与技能,表现出求知欲望,加强对知识的探索力量,激发克服困难的意志。,
1. Theoretical foundation of topic Research: the modern educational theory consider that: games are the leading activities of children, are the best form of activities to promote children's physical and mental development. Primary scholars are lively and active, loving performing, are ready to accept novel and strong interesting things, therefore, it meet the student’s psychological, physiological characteristics which carry on games teaching in the classroom teaching. Educational Psychology indicates: When the show attracted students interested in teaching, it can make pay attention to and focus better in the perception, memory, thinking and imagination and receive more consolidated knowledge and skills, and demonstrate the desire of learning knowledge, strengthen the power of exploring knowledge, stimulate the will of overcome difficulties
Therefore, it helps to stimulate the student’s interest in learning that joining some proper games to the English teaching when organizing the teaching process, meets the "enjoy to study" principle. Psychology also demonstrate: pleasant learning can also prove to fully arouse their interest in learning, enthusiasm and play the potential of students, thus increasing memory effect. Dull, boring, boring, tense study will suppress students thinking activities, thus lowering the study results

二.游戏教学的基本原则 本课题的研究遵循七个原则,即目的性、趣味性、适度性、多样性、启发性、主体性和思想性原则。 目的性。教师明确英语游戏教学的目的在于更加有效地完成教学任务,提高课堂教学效率。因此,在设计教学游戏时,充分考虑教学的重点、难点和其它教学要求,避免了“为游戏而游戏”
2. The basic principles of the game teaching: The study of this topic follow the seven principles, they are purpose, fun, moderation and diversity, instructive, and the main and ideological principles. Purpose. English teachers clearly understood that the aim of game teaching is to accomplish its mission more effectively, improve teaching efficiency. Therefore, in designing educational games, teacher have fully considered the key of teaching, the difficulties of teaching and other requirements of teaching, to avoid a "game for the game".

Fun. Bunuomu once said: "The best stimulate of learning, is learn materials of interest." We pay attention to carry out the games with abundant interests in our research topic, stimulate students to participate the actives in the enthusiasm, initiative to acquire knowledge, and enhance their ability.

Moderation. in the classroom teaching ,We realized that students of different ages, their physical and mental development and levels of knowledge are vastly different. Therefore, the games design must be some different according to their age of characteristics, have been reflected the requirements in the breadth, density and depth of different levels in methods and content requirements, let them happy to accept, active to participate.

Diversity. Diversity is reflected in two aspects: First, the diversification of forms of the game, different levels, different contents of teaching, We designed a correspondingly different teaching methods adapt to the game; Second is against the same contents of teaching, we designed a number of games for teaching, avoided a single game which students have tired of the game emotionally.
Instructive., Carrying on the game is to conduct the study and consolidate knowledge, and active classroom atmosphere. According to the contents of teaching we designed some challenging and creative games, let students play their imaginations, express their understand or wishes, cultivate the spirit of innovation and creativity

Subjectivity. The new curriculum emphasizes that teachers should guide students to engage in research studies, so that students are motivated to acquire knowledge, solve problems, be developed. Therefore, the game must be a student-centered, embodied self-study, the active participation and thinking. Join ideological education in the teaching of the game, so that students in a lively game naturally gain the ideal, sentiment, moral influence, and cultivate noble values and good morals.

Thought. Join ideological education in the teaching of the game, so that students in a lively game naturally gain ideal, sentiment, moral influence, and cultivate noble values and good morals.
第1个回答  2007-01-19
第2个回答  2007-01-19
Primary English Teaching British game saying, "Education must be Ballet. "The key interest is children learn a second language. inspire students to learn English in the teaching of English in primary interest is an important task. In the English classroom, Most schools often due to objective factors, the teaching environment and the limited conditions. thus language teaching and living environment, and hence "deaf-mute" English produce. Favorite activities and games for children, it can help students learn English in the "listen, said "important aspects to be trained so that students have basic knowledge of English and preliminary use of the English language, stimulate their interest in learning English. Classroom teaching English in primary schools to carry out the game. embodies the "play school" teaching concepts help stimulate their interest in learning, teaching introduction of the game. Passive learning initiatives put into the study, a negative into a positive learning to learn. In the process of teaching the game. Teachers can discover the advantages and disadvantages students grasp the classroom and optimization, to achieve the best results one. Research the theoretical basis of modern educational theory that children are the leading activities : games, is the best form of activities to promote children's physical and mental development. Lively and active love performing students are ready to accept novel and interesting things strong, it launch games teaching in the classroom teaching students with the psychological, physiological characteristics. Educational Psychology : When the show attracted students interested in teaching. so that students can learn to focus better in the perception, memory, thinking and imagination. thus receive more than consolidate the knowledge and skills, and demonstrated knowledge desire to explore the power of knowledge, stimulate the will to overcome difficulties. , Therefore, appropriate to add the teaching of English teaching of the game to help stimulate their interest in learning organizations. the "Music" principle. Psychology : pleasant learning can also prove to fully arouse their interest in learning, enthusiasm and play the potential of students, thus increasing memory effect. Dull, boring, boring, tense study will suppress students thinking, reduce the learning effect two. The task of teaching the basic principles of the game of follow the seven principles that purpose, fun, moderation and diversity. instructive, and the main ideological principles. Purpose. English teachers clearly aimed at teaching the game to accomplish its mission more effectively, improve teaching efficiency. Therefore, in designing educational games, we have fully considered the key teaching, teaching and other difficulties, to avoid a "game and the game" fun. Bunuomu once said : "The best stimulate learning, learning materials of interest. "We pay attention to the research carried out in the immense game, stimulate students to participate in the enthusiasm, initiative to acquire knowledge, and enhance our ability. Moderation. We realized that in the classroom teaching students of different ages and levels of knowledge in their physical and mental development are vastly different. Therefore, the game must be under the age of the design characteristics distinguish in methods and content requirements of the game have reflected the breadth, depth and density of different levels, so happy to accept active participation. Diversity. Diversity is reflected in two aspects : First, the diversification of forms of the game, different levels, We designed a correspondingly different teaching methods adapt to the game; Second is the same as teaching a number of games designed for teaching. avoid a single game which students have tired of the game emotionally. Instructive. To conduct the study, and the game is to consolidate knowledge, and active classroom atmosphere. According to some challenging content and creative design of the game, students used their imaginations understand or express their wishes to cultivate innovative spirit and ability of the subjects. The new curriculum emphasizes that teachers should guide students to engage in research studies, so that students are motivated to acquire knowledge, solve problems, be developed. Therefore, the game must be a student-centered, embodied self-study, the active participation of thought. Ideological education in the teaching of the game, so that students in a lively game naturally be ideal character, moral influence, and cultivate noble values and good morals. Thought. Ideological education in the teaching of the game, so that students in a lively game naturally be ideal character, moral influence, and cultivate noble values and good morals.
第3个回答  2007-01-20
There is a byword" Education must be fun." in EnglandThe interest is an important mission that child learn the phonetic key in the second, stiring up the English interest in study in student is grade school English teaching.In current English classroom, big and parts of schools will usually result in the language teaching becomes disjointed with living environment because of the restrict, teaching environment of the objective factor and conditional limit, from, cause English creation in " deaf and dumb".But the game is an activity that child likes, it can make, student is in English study of" hear, say" the important link in etc. ascends to get the training, making student the winning English foundation knowledge makes use of the English ability with the first step, stiring up they study the English interest. Open the exhibition game teaching in grade school English classroom, now" play the high school" of teaching principle, is beneficial to the study interest that stir up the student, lead into the game teaching, change into the active study to the passive study, change into the positive study to the negative study.In game teaching process, the teacher can discover the student's merit and shortcoming, hold the classroom superior to turn, attain the best effect
A. the lesson an investigative theories thinks according to the modern education theories:The game is the predominant activity of the child, is a best movable form to promote the child mind and body development.The grade school life sprinkles to like to move the love performance, taking delight in accepting unusual, strong thing in interest, therefore, open in classroom teaching the exhibition game teaching match the mental state, physiology characteristics that grade school living.Educate the psychology enunciation:When the teaching can cause student's interest, can make the student concentrate the attention to feels to know, remember betterly in study, thought with think the elephant, from but acquire more than the knowledge of the consolidation and technical ability, express to beg to know the desire, enhance to the quest power of the knowledge, stir up to overcome the difficult will., therefore, joins the appropriate game to organize in English teaching the teaching is beneficial to the study interest that stir up the student, matching" the joy learns" of principle.Psychology too proof:The pleased study can transfer the student's study interest, positive well with the potential that develop the student, from but strengthen to remember the result.Boring, lifeless, dull and nervous study, only will repress the student the thought activity, lower the study result
Two. the research of basic principle this lesson of the game teaching follows seven principles, namely purpose, interest, moderation, variety, inspire the sex, corpus with the thought principle. Purpose.Clear and definite English in teacher game teaching of with an eye to complete the teaching mission more and availably, increase classroom teaching efficiency.Therefore, while designing teaching game, consider the point of the teaching well, a little bit difficult request with the other teaching, avoid" is a game but game" interest.The cloth 诺姆 onces said:" the best incitement that study, is the interest to learn the material to." we make a point of to open the full of life game in interest in exhibition in lesson a research, stiring up the enthusiasm that student participate activity, active obtain the knowledge, improve ability.Moderation.We are deep to realize in classroom teaching not the its mind and body in student development of the of an age has the very big difference with the knowledge level.Therefore, the design of the game must according to the student's age characteristics and then have the differentiation, request in different from contents request top all now the wide degree, density of the game with depth of level of structure in method in way, make student taking delight in to accept, active participate.Variety.Variety now two aspects:While ising a game form diverse, different grade, different content of course we designed with it mutually adapt to of game method;Two is to same content of course we designed several games proceeds the teaching, avoiding making student annoying the motion to the game creation because of the one of the game. Inspire the sex.Openning the exhibition game is for the sake of study with make stronger the knowledge learned, stimulate the classroom atmosphere.We designs the some full of challenge with creates according to the content of course sexual game, let student developping to think the elephant dint, express own will or comprehension, educate frontier spirit with creative ability corpus.The new course emphasizes that the teacher should guide the student opens the exhibition research studies, making the student active to obtain the knowledge and solve problem, acquire development.Therefore, the game must regard student as the center, the independence studies now, positive participate to thought the sex.寓 thought is educated in game teaching inside, making student suffering the ideal naturally in vivid and brisk game, thoughts and feelings, fume the 陶 morally, educate classic thoughts and feelings with good moral qualities. Thought.寓 thought is educated in game teaching inside, making student suffering the ideal naturally in vivid and brisk game, thoughts and feelings, fume the 陶 morally, educate classic thoughts and feelings with good moral qualities.
第4个回答  2007-01-24

Primary English classroom teaching game

British proverb "Education must be Ballet. "The key interest is children learn a second language. inspire students to learn English in the teaching of English in primary interest is an important task. In the English classroom, Most schools often due to objective factors, the teaching environment and the limited conditions. thus language teaching and living environment, and hence "deaf-mute" English produce. Favorite activities and games for children, it can help students learn English in the "listen, said "important aspects to be trained so that students have basic knowledge of English and preliminary use of the English language, stimulate their interest in learning English. Classroom teaching English in primary schools to carry out the game. embodies the "play school" teaching concepts help stimulate their interest in learning, teaching introduction of the game. Passive learning initiatives put into the study, a negative into a positive learning to learn. In the process of teaching the game. Teachers can discover the advantages and disadvantages students grasp the classroom optimization achieve optimal results.

1. Research the theoretical basis of modern educational theory that children are the leading activities : games, is the best form of activities to promote children's physical and mental development. Lively and active love performing students are ready to accept novel and interesting things strong, it launch games teaching in the classroom teaching students with the psychological, physiological characteristics. Educational Psychology : When the show attracted students interested in teaching. so that students can learn to focus better in the perception, memory, thinking and imagination. thus receive more than consolidate the knowledge and skills, and demonstrated knowledge desire to explore the power of knowledge, stimulate the will to overcome difficulties. , Therefore, appropriate to add the teaching of English teaching of the game to help stimulate their interest in learning organizations. the "Music" principle. Psychology : pleasant learning can also prove to fully arouse their interest in learning, enthusiasm and play the potential of students, thus increasing memory effect. Dull, boring, boring, tense study will suppress students thinking activities, thus lowering the study results .

2. The task of teaching the basic principles of the game of follow the seven principles that purpose, fun, moderation and diversity. instructive, and the main ideological principles. Purpose. English teachers clearly aimed at teaching the game to accomplish its mission more effectively, improve teaching efficiency. Therefore, in designing educational games, we have fully considered the key teaching, teaching and other difficulties, to avoid a "game and the game" fun. Bunuomu once said : "The best stimulate learning, learning materials of interest. "We pay attention to the research carried out in the immense game, stimulate students to participate in the enthusiasm, initiative to acquire knowledge, and enhance our ability. Moderation. We realized that in the classroom teaching students of different ages and levels of knowledge in their physical and mental development are vastly different. Therefore, the game must be under the age of the design characteristics distinguish in methods and content requirements of the game have reflected the breadth, depth and density of different levels, so happy to accept active participation. Diversity. Diversity is reflected in two aspects : First, the diversification of forms of the game, different levels, We designed a correspondingly different teaching methods adapt to the game; Second is the same as teaching a number of games designed for teaching. avoid a single game which students have tired of the game emotionally. Instructive. To conduct the study, and the game is to consolidate knowledge, and active classroom atmosphere. According to some challenging content and creative design of the game, students used their imaginations understand or express their wishes to cultivate innovative spirit and ability of the subjects. The new curriculum emphasizes that teachers should guide students to engage in research studies, so that students are motivated to acquire knowledge, solve problems, be developed. Therefore, the game must be a student-centered, embodied self-study, the active participation of thought. Ideological education in the teaching of the game, so that students in a lively game naturally be ideal character, moral influence, and cultivate noble values and good morals. Thought. Ideological education in the teaching of the game, so that students in a lively game naturally be ideal character, moral influence, and cultivate noble values and good morals.