


In order to improve students' English level, the student union will hold an English speech contest in the school auditorium next Sunday (June 10). All interested students are welcome to attend on time.
Student union
June 3, 2019
第1个回答  2019-11-25
The student union will hold an English speech contest in the school hall next Sunday
(10th June)in order to improve students' English level. Welcome all the students that interested in this contest to attend on time.
Student Union 3rd June, 2019
第2个回答  2019-11-25



In order to improve the students' English level, the student union will hold an English speech contest in the school auditorium next Sunday(June 10). All interested students are welcome to attend on that time.

student union

June 3, 2019


    English is the main international language in the world today, which is also the most widely used language in the world. According to the statistics of 1986, there are nearly 400 million native English speakers in the world. Almost one in every ten people speaks English. English is spoken in Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries.

2. English is widely used. More than 70% of the world's e-mails are addressed in English or in English. 60% of the world's radio programs are in English. Most of the international materials are published in English. English is the first common language for most international conferences, and it is also one of the official working languages of the United Nations.

3. English is an important communication tool in the fields of international politics, military affairs, economy, science and technology, culture, trade, transportation, etc With the continuous expansion of China's opening up, the continuous progress of science and technology, and the continuous improvement of its international status, it is urgent to cultivate a large number of foreign language proficient professionals in order to accelerate the process of China's "four modernizations" and make China play a greater and more active role in international affairs. 


1. As a cross-cultural communication skill, English speech is conducive to improving the ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation, logical thinking and creativity of contemporary college students in an all-round way, promoting the coordinated development of students' scientific and cultural literacy and humanistic etiquette cultivation, and enhancing their psychological quality and adaptability. Excellent English speaking ability is an indispensable skill in the process of College Students' growing up.           

2. English speech is a language art that has been perfected day by day through practice. It is a process of using English as a language communication tool, supplemented by body language, to dialectically and vividly express opinions and opinions on a specific problem, and share communication with others. The "FLTRP Cup" National English speech contest sponsored by foreign language teaching and Research Press and the "21st Century Cup" National English speech contest sponsored and hosted by China Daily in 1996 attracted the extensive participation of more than 500 college students nationwide, created a good platform for the national college students to demonstrate their English speech ability, and even inspired the contemporary college students to learn English Strong interest.           

3. English speech is a practical activity with high requirements for the comprehensive quality of the speakers. When college students prepare a formal English speech completely, they can not only improve their oral English, but also learn the skills to enhance their language appeal. These abilities are very important in the process of their growth and development as well as in the strong employment competition in the future.


In order to improve the students' English level, the student union will hold an English speech contest in the school auditorium next Sunday(June 10). All interested students are welcome to attend on that time.

student union

June 3, 2019