

I have a close friend, and he is a very good person in many ways.

First, my good friend is warm-hearted, so he always thinks for others more than himself. On last Monday, for example, he was late for an exam just because he helped five old men go cross a road. Although he had bad grades at last, he was still very happy for those old men.

Second, if there are difficulties(困难) in his way, he will never give up. Instead, he will try to find the reasons of those difficulties, and then get over them. So he can make everything perfect.

Also, he loves animals. As a result, when he meets a homeless dog on the street, he will always bring the dog back home. Then he will feed the dog and try to find the owner(主人).

So there are so many things to learn from him, I am lucky to be his friend.

如果题主的朋友是妹纸,那就把 “he” 全换成 “she”
第1个回答  2017-02-18
At first, particularly, I found the
第2个回答  2017-02-18
long-ago, or, to be exact, in July, he ne