

And will you leave me thus? Say nay,say nay,for shame!


Forget not yet the tried intent of such a truth as have meant.


And love is love,in beggars and in kings.


The rest be works of nature's wonderment,but this the work of heart's astonishment.


If all the world and love were young,and truth in every shepherd's tongue, these pretty pleasures might me move to live with thee and be your love.


All these in me no means can move to come to you and be your love.


Then these delights my mind might move to live with you and be your love.


Her eyes are sapphires set in snow.


He loves my heart, for once it was his own, I cherish his,because in me it bides.


Heigh ho,would she be mine!


How blest weere I if you would'st prove me.


I that have loved you thus before you fadest.


For if I saw you once transform'd in me,then in your bosom I would pour my soul.


And whilst we thus should make our sorrows one,this happy harmony would make them one.


Let me not to the marrige of true minds admit impediments.


Which when her lovely laughter shows,they look like rosebuds filled with snow.


Shall I come,sweet love,to you when the evening beams are set?


Let me not,for pity,more tell the long hours at your door.


For his prey will work my woe,or through wicked foul despite?


To attend love's joys in vain.So may I die unredressed ere my long love be possessed.


Gather the rose-buds while you may,old time is still a-flying;and this same flower that smiles today,tommorrow will be dying.


For in pure love heaven did prepare those powders to enrich your hair.


Ask me no more where those stars light,that dowmwards fall in dead of night.


Love too long a pain.


I could not love,deer,so much.Loved I not honour more.


For once,Fortune,hear my prayer, and I absolve your future care;All other blessings I resign, make but the dear Amanda mine.


Love has bliss,but love has ruing.


Bind the sea to slumbe stilly,bind its odour to the lily,bind the aspen never to quiver,then bind love to last for ever.


She is the darling of my heart,and she lives in our alley.


For ever,Fortune, will you prove an unrelenting foe to love ,and when we meet a mutual heart come in between,and bid us part?
