

ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00001=我从阴影中现身。 /// From the shadows, I come.

ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00002=光影沐浴着我。 /// I bask in the twilight.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00003=恐惧只是幻想。 /// Fear is an illusion.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00004=黑暗在翻腾。 /// The darkness writhes.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00005=Zhakul inok. /// Zhakul inok. (Translation: The darkness writhes.)
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00006=为你效命。 /// You seek our service?
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00007=Nas beru uhn'adarr? /// Nas beru uhn'adarr? (Translation: (pronounced "nahss") You seek our service?)
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00008=你要我们做什么? /// What would you ask of us?

ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00009=我会……服从。 /// I will... comply.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00010=以虚空之名。 /// By the Void.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00011=明智。 /// Clever.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00012=Khatum. /// Khatum. (Translation: Clever.)
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00013=我是萨古拉斯之刃! /// I am the blade of Shakuras!
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00014=很有兴趣。 /// I am intrigued.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00015=我只是个幻影…… /// I am but a phantom...

ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00016=我从暗影中出击。 /// I strike from the shadows.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00017=Al'a korr de zhakan. /// Al'a korr de zhakan. (Translation: I strike from the shadows.)
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00018=黑暗降临! /// Darkness descends!
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00019=敌人必死! /// They shall fall!
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00020=我即是黑暗! /// I am the darkness!
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00021=虚空在召唤! /// The Void claims its own!

ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00022=我……抵挡不住了! /// I cannot... maintain!

ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00023=以萨古拉斯的暗影之名! /// By the shadows of Shakuras!(AiurTemplar:我叫了十年的“沙库拉斯”就这样变成了“萨古拉斯”)
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00024=光影照耀着我们。 /// Twilight falls upon us all.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00025=阴影在我身旁蒸腾。 /// The shadows writhe around me.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00026=我在黑夜中前行。 /// I stalk the night.
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00027=拉莎加尔,请守护我们! /// Raszagal, watch over us!
ProtossDarkTemplar/Line00028=我听到虚空中传来的低语……它让我晦暗的灵魂为之战栗。 /// I hear an ancient voice whispering from the Void... and it chills my lightless heart.