

L Reading comprehension(25 53)Choose the best answer. (6 s)★★sunsh cold winter. It doesn't have calles"theyear round. But it 15piest country in the world. This is Dthey have no worries about anything. Thegovernment(政府)doesthings to givepeople belter lives. For example, all children ClChave the same rights as men.Moe Danish people also have healthy life habits. in.of them love iding hikes. In denmark's accapital, Copenhagen, about 50 per cent of its supeople ride bikes to school or work. Biking is dinot only good for the environment. It is also good (Efos Denmark is a country with many fun things. alpeople's healthFairy tales(童话)Who is the most famous Dane(丹麦人)?1Hans Christian Anderson of course. Every child Nloves his stories. He wrote many fairy tales.lo. Santa CIWhere can you meet Santas? It is InCopenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Every July,the city holds the World Santa Claus Congres大会) Santa Clauses from around the world allcome here. At the congress, Santas usually haveparades(游行). swimming competitions andother activities. They also talk about funthings, like how to make the chimneys(烟囱)igger, so it is easier for a Santa to get throughit's yummy!What is the most famous Danish snack? Itis the Danish pastry(丹麦酥) or simply aDanish. It is a traditional snack in DenmarkNow the food is popular around the world.anish pastries are sweet snacks with manylayers (A). Some have chocolate, sugar or nutson the top. Some may have fillings(馅料)likejam or cream. Danish pastries come in differentshapes. Circles with filling in the middle are themost commonlet's visit this hap
l阅读理解(25。53)选择最佳答案。(6)★★阳光寒冷的冬天。它没有所谓的“一年四季。但它15piest的国家在世界上。这是Dthey对任何事情有没有烦恼。政府(政府)doesthings人更好的生活。例如,所有的孩子clchave男子同样的权利。萌的丹麦人也有健康的生活习惯。而他们爱把上涨。在丹麦的accapital,哥本哈根,约50%的supeople骑自行车上学或工作。自行车是dinot只需环境好。这也是好的(该丹麦是一个有很多好玩的东西的国家。人的healthfairy故事(童话)谁是最著名的Dane(丹麦人)?Christian Anderson当然1hans。每一个孩子nloves他的故事。他写了许多童话tales.lo。圣诞老人圣诞老人ciwhere能满足吗?它是丹麦的首都哥本哈根。每年七月,该市举办世界圣诞老人克劳斯代表大会大会)来自世界各国的圣诞老人的样子在这里。在大会上,圣诞老人通常haveparades(游行)。游泳比赛及其他活动。他们还谈论funthings,像如何使烟囱(烟囱)大些,所以这是一个Santa来的美味更容易通过!丹麦最有名的小吃是什么?这是丹麦糕点(丹麦酥)或简单的丹麦。这是一个传统的小吃在denmarknow食品风靡全world.anish糕点甜食与manylayers(一)。纳特森有巧克力、糖或顶。有些人可能likejam或奶油馅料(馅料)。丹麦糕点进来的形状。圆填充在中间是最一起访问这个HAP