

A recent study shows that in the year 2006, 30% of a family's total expenses in cities went to recreation. People go to the theatre or a concert, visit exhibitions or museums, chat with friends in a teahouse or at a bar. 有一项最近的研究表明,在2006年,30%的城市家庭总收入被用来娱乐。人们到剧院或者音乐厅,参观展览或者博物馆,与朋友在茶楼或者酒吧聊天。 Cell phone makers are delighted at this trend, of course. With the adult market almost saturated in many parts of the world, manufacturers are looking for new markets, and there are an awful lot of kids out there. 当然,手机制造者对于这个趋势是很欣喜的。当成人市场逐渐饱和的时候,制造商正在寻找新的市场,而那里有相当多的孩子在那里。 Christmas Day falls on December 25th. As a religious holiday, it was first celebrated remember the birth of Jesus Christ. But nowadays to the western people, Christmas is a family gatherings and holiday meals, a season of giving and receiving presents. 圣诞节在12月25日降临。在宗教性的节日里,它是第一个用于来记住耶稣生日的节日。但是,对于现在的西方人,圣诞是一个亲人团聚在一起享受节日晚餐,一个赠送和接受礼物的日子。 Through various interesting activities at museums, both adults and children can experience history, culture, art, science and many other things. 通过各种各样有趣的在博物馆的活动,不论成人还是孩子,都能体会到历史,文化,艺术,科学以及一些其他事情带来的乐趣。 The apartments foe 【应该为for】 rent usually include major kitchen appliances as a stove and a refrigerator. Washing machines are located a common ares in the building and are operated with coins. 用来出租的公寓通常都包含了一个以微波炉和冰箱为外观的主要厨房。洗衣机摆放在建筑里的一个公共地方,投币就可使用。 Teenagers surf the web in order to obtain information. On the internet, they can find out almost anything. In fact, surfing the web help teenager students with their homework and widen their knowledge. 青少年上网以便能获得欣喜。在网上,他们可以找到几乎所有的事情。事实上,上网冲浪帮助青少年学生完成他们的作业,扩展他们的知识。 Cell phones have long gone from luxury to necessity for ordinary adults, but now their kids are getting in on the act. Studies have shown that nearly a quarter of American kids aged eight to twelve have their own cell phone, and the machines are now among the hottest items for birthday and Christmas gifts. 手机很长一段时间不再是是普通大人的奢侈必需品,但是现在他们的孩子正在逐渐进入拥有手机的行列。研究表明,大概四分之一的美国年龄段在8到12岁的孩子拥有自己的手机,并且,这个激起正在成为最热门的生日和圣诞礼物物品。 In addition, many teenagers keep in touch with their friends online. They also make new friends through ICQ. It is cheaper and much quicker than making a call to somebody far away. 更多,许多青少年上线与他们的朋友保持联络。他们也通过ICQ来交朋友。这种方式比打电话更便宜,而且快捷的多。 Besides, shopping at this time of the year is a most unpleasant experience. The department stores are full of men and women eagerly looking for bargains. 另外,在一年的这个时候购物是最不愉快的经历。商场里充满了热切地讨价还价的男人和女人。 People are all at their work, so having some kind of recreation after work or at weekends will relax the mind. In fact, good ways of recreation will make people more active in their work. 人们都有自己的工作,所以在周末工作之余,做一定的娱乐会放松他们的头脑。事实上,好的放松办法会让人们在工作中更积极。 On Christmas Eve, everyone attends evening church services. On Christmas day, families attend other religious ceremonies at churches before they make their rounds to visit friends and relatives. 在圣诞夜前夕,每个人都参加晚上的教堂服务。在圣诞节当天,家庭成员们在他们去到他们各自的圈子去帮房朋友和亲戚之前,一起参加其他的在教堂的教会庆典。 Linda is walking round department, thinking of choosing a suitable Christmas present for her father. She has wandered in the shopping centre for more than two hours, she wishes that father was as easy to please as her mother. 琳达正在商场里逛,考虑选择一样合适的圣诞礼物给她父亲。她已经在商场里盲目地游荡了2个多小时了,她希望父亲可以像母亲一样可以轻松的取悦。
第1个回答  2013-11-27
The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China.It usually comes in January or February. According to the Luna Calendar,it is the first day of a new year.Since it always comes in pring,we call it Spring Festival.It is a favorite festival of the Chinese people.Children like it best.Children can get lucky money from their grandparents,their parents,uncles,aunts and other elder people.Old people also like it. Because the famiy will get together, they can see their children and grand children.They can
also get lucky money from their children who have worked.