

第1个回答  2014-07-23
To start with cultural differences, should mention first from the diet culture, because "hunger breeds discontentment",it can reflect the difference of different ethnic groups living habits of thinking and cultural aspects. There are threeFood world: China, France and Italy, I want to talk about thecultural differences, should mention first from the diet culture, because "hunger breeds discontentment", it canreflect the difference of different ethnic groups living habits of thinking and cultural aspects. There are three Foodworld: China, France and Italy, we have a look the most fundamental aspects of these differences Food. In the diet,Chinese pay more attention on the form, pay attention to "color, aroma, taste", so Chinese cooking style dishes, the myriads of changes, with specific to each dish is fastidious about the color fragrance. And Europeans are more practical, in the vegetable variety change ever under whattime, more attention to their nutrition and protection, focus on food quality. This is the main difference between Chinese and Western-style food. Chinese always eat a lot of vegetables, may be all long very thinly, Westerners few each dish, but better than Chinese long acquaintance.
Then have a look tableware difference: knife and fork andchopsticks, not only brought different eating habits, thereby affecting the eastern and Western concepts of life. Will bring the knife and fork food system, and certainly chopsticks and family members sit around the table and eat together. Western eating at the very beginning, thus derived Westerners pay attention to independent, children grow up to become an independent world of ideas and habits chuang. And the meal with chopsticks, family unitsoutstanding young sat together, so that Asians have a relatively strong family values.
Represented by a different color in different countries and nationalities of the meaning is completely different, the preferences of different colors on the whole can reflect a nation or a state of aesthetic taste and preferences tend. InChina culture, red represents luck, wealth and happiness,while Westerners concept, red is the color of blood, thatimpulse, provocative and unrest, we see the Spanish Matador with a red cloth is to challenge the red cow, canirritate the bull, so, Chinese like to wear red clothes in celebration of the festival, while the Westerners tend to choose blue, because they feel that blue represents calmand composure.
In the way of thinking of the difference is: the Chineseabstract thinking, Westerners more concrete.
In the life manner difference is: Chinese emphasis onspiritual feelings, Westerners focus on practical.
In the art of painting and sculpture, China painting is ink freehand, Western painting pay attention to human bodyand the proportion of optical principle. For example:Chinese can fly in the foot with a few white clouds to flyfairy, reflect the artistic conception. Westerners don't understand the means of artistic expression of the abstract,in the western classic paintings of religious subjects, in order to illustrate the flying angel, have to give those lovely elf with a pair of wings. Because they only think of flyingwings. In sculpture, Chinese more imagination and artistic conception, such as a monkey squats on horseback, the proportion of them not much difference between, just a kind of artistic conception: immediately fenghou. While the Western sculpture emphasizes the realistic and delicate,will not appear this kind of imbalance of works of art.本回答被提问者采纳