

Dear Tom,
We are very glad to know you will come to China for the Xing Hua High School to be a exchange student. Welcome to my country and wish you are feeling good here.
Hey friend, would I know your flight number and what time to arrival? I and my family would like to welcome to your arrival.
Oh, have you know our Chinese food? I think I will take you to the Chinese restourant to have a meal.
Please reply me early.
Your friend,
Lee Hua
第1个回答  2015-05-12
Hello Tom
Welcome to China.
The address of my home is ******, you can contact me in advance or I may not be at home.
I can provide you a bedroom with a single bed and shared living room, kitchen and bathroom.
since you want to live here in half an hour, I will charge you *** RMB as the rent fee (wifi included).
第2个回答  2015-05-12
嗯 顺便提一下,几天前帮我指导的ABC天丅口语的助教和我们说过,就是要掌握好英语应该是不费力地~必然要拥有一个适宜的研习环境以及闇练口语对象,最关键就是外教水平 纯正欧美口音很重要,持续天天口语学习,1 on 1家教式教学才会有.好.的进步幅度~完成课堂后同样要重复温习课后录音反馈,帮助加强记忆。然后要是真的没有练习对象的话 只能到可可或大耳朵拿到课外学习资料练习 多说多问迅速的语感就加强起来 学习效果应该可以迅速明显的