

他致力于冠心病病人心肌微循环灌注障碍方面的研究,他对冠状动脉血流缓慢综合征的研究阐述了假性冠状动脉血流储备正常的机制,并被邀在华盛顿召开的第一届心脏病大会上做专题讲座,是在国际心血管界成就卓著的华人。 1Ge J,Sun A,Vesa Paajaned,Wang S,Su C,Yang Z, Li Y,Wang S , Jia J,Wang K,Zou Y,Gao L, Wang K,Fan Z,Molecular and Clinical Characterization of a Novel SCN5A Mutation Associated With Atrioventricular Block and Dilated Cardiomyopathy,Circ Arrhythmia Electrophysiol,2008,1:83~92.
2Ge J,Qian J,Wang X,Wang Q,Yan W, Yan Y,Fan B,Ge L,Liu X,Effectiveness and Safety of the Sirolimuseluting Stents Coated with Bioabsorbable Polymer Coating in Human Coronary Arteries,Catheter Cardiovasc Interv,2007,69(2):198~202.
3Ge J,Li Y,Qian J,Shi J, Wang Q, Niu Y, Fan B, Liu X, Zhang S,Sun A,Zou Y,Efficacy of Emergent Transcatheter Transplantation of Stem Cells for Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction (TCT-STAMI),Heart ,2006,92(12) :1764~1767.
4Ge J, Zhao G ,Chen R, Li S,Wang S, Zhang X, Zhuang Y, Du J, Yu X,Li G,Yang Y, Enhanced Myocardial Cathepsin B Expression in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy,Eur.J.Heart Fail.,2006,8(3) : 284~289.
5Ge J,Shen C,Liang C,Chen L,Qian J,Chen H,Elevated Matrix ,Etalloproteinase Expression after Stent Implantation Is as Sociated with Restenosis, Int.J.Cardiol., 2006,112(1) :85~90.
6Ge J,Jia Q,Liang C,Luo Y,Huang D,Sun A, Wang K, Zou Y , Chen H, Advanced Glycosylation End Products Might Promote Atherosclerosis through Inducing the Immune Maturation of Dendritic Cells, Arterioscler Thromb.Vasc.Biol.,2005, 25(10) :2157~2163.
7Ge J,Han Y,Jiang H,Sun B,Chen J,Zhang S,Du Z,On behalf of the RACTS (A Randomized Prospective Antiplatelet Trial of Cilostazol Versus Ticlopidine in Patients Undergoing Coronary Stenting) Trial Investigators, RACTS: a Prospective Randomized Antiplatelet Trial of Cilostazol Versus Ticlopidine in Patients undergoing Coronary Stenting: Long-term Clinical and Angiographic Outcome, J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 2005,46(2) :162~166.
8Ge J,Huang D, Liang C,Luo Y, Jia Q, Wang K, Upregulation of Lectinlike Oxidized Low-density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 Expression Contributes to the Vein Graft Atherosclerosis:Modulation by Losartan Atherosclerosis,2004,177(2):263~268.
9Ge J, Baumgart D,Haude M,Gorge G, von Birgelen C,Sack S, Erbel R, Role of Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging in Identifying Vulnerable Plaques,Herz,1999,24(1) : 32~41.
10Ge J,Chirillo F, Schwedtmann J, Gorge G, Haude M, Baumgart D , Shah V, von Birgelen C, Sack S,Boudoulas H, Erbel R, Screening of Ruptured Plaques in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease by Intravascular Ultrasound,Heart,1999, 81(6):621~627.
11Ge J, Liu F,Bhate R, Haude M,Gorge G, Baumgart D,Sack S , Erbel RDoes Remodeling Occur in the Diseased Human Saphenous Vein bypass Grafts?An Intravascular Ultrasound Study,Int.J Card Imaging,1999, 15(4):295~300.
12Ge J,Jeremias A,Rupp A,Abels M,Baumgart D,Liu F,Haude M ,Gorge G,von Birgelen C,Sack S, Erbel R, New Signs Characteristic of Myocardial Bridging Demonstrated by Intracoronary Ultrasound and Doppler, Eur.Heart J,1999,20(23) : 1707~1716.
13Ge J,Erbel R, Novel Techniques of Coronary Artery ImagingCurr.Opin.Cardiol.,1996,10(6) : 626~633(Review).
14Ge J,Erbel R, Gorge G,Haude M, Meyer J,High Wall Shear Stress Proximal to Myocardial Bridging and Atherosclerosis:Intracoronary Ultrasound and Pressure Measurements,Br.Heart J, 1995,73(5) : 462~465.
15Ge J,Erbel R,Zamorano J,Haude M,Kearney P,Gorge G,Meyer J , Improvement of Coronary Morphology and Blood Flow after Stenting Assessment by Intravascular Ultrasound and Intracoronary Doppler,Int.J Card Imaging, 1995,11(2) : 81~87.
16Ge J, Liu F,Kearney P, Gorge G,Haude M, Erbel R, Acute Coronary Artery Closure Following Intracoronary Ultrasound Examination,Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn,1995,35(3): 232~235.
17Ge J,Haude M,Gorge G,Liu F, Erbel R, Silent Healing of Spontaneous Plaque Disruption Demonstrated by Intracoronary Ultrasound, Eur.Heart J,1995, 16(8):1149~1151.
18Ge J,Liu F, Gorge G,Haude M,Baumgart D, Erbel R, Angiographically “silent” Plaque in the Left Main Coronary Artery Detected by Intravascular UltrasoundCoron Artery Dis,1995,6(10) : 805~810.
19Ge J,Liu F, Kearney P,Gorge G,Haude M,Baumgart D,Ashry M ,Erbel R, Intravascular Ultrasound Approach to the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Aneurysms,Am Heart J,1995,130(4) :765~771.
20Ge J, Erbel R, Rupprecht HJ, Koch L, Kearney P, Gorge G, Haude M, Meyer J, Comparison of Intravascular Ultrasound and Angiography in the Assessment of Myocardial Bridging,Irculation,1994, 89(4) : 1725~1732.
21Ge J,Erbel R,Gerber T,Gorge G,Koch L,Haude M, Meyer J ,Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging of Angiographically Normal Coronary Arteries:a Prospective Study in Vivo,Br Heart J,1994, 71(6):572~578.
22Ge J,Erbel R,Zamorano J, Koch L,Kearney P,Gorge G,Gerber T, Meyer J,Coronary Artery Remodeling in Atherosclerotic Disease:An Intravascular Ultrasonic Study in Vivo,Coron Artery Dis,1993, 4(11): 981~986.
23Ge J, Erbel R, Gorge G,Gerber T,Brennecke R,Seidel I, Reichert T,,Meyer J, Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging of Arterial Wall Architecture,Echocardiography,1992, 9(5):475~483.
24Ge J, Erbel R, Seidel I,Gorge G, Reichert T, Gerber T, Meyer J,Experimental Evaluation of the Accuracy and Safety of Intraluminal Ultrasound Z Kardiol,1991, 80(10):595~601(German).
25Ge Junbo,Zhang Feng,GE Lei, Qian Juying,Wang Hao, Wire Trapping Technique Combined with Retrograde Approach for Recanalization of Chronic Total Occlusion,2008,121(17):1753~1756.
26Ge JB, Yao K,Huang RC,et al,Repeated Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Transplantation Improve Cardiac Function in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Severe Cardiac Inadequacy: 12 Months Follow- up,Am.JCardiol,2007,99:24F~25F. 在国际杂志发表了300多篇论文, 近1/3被SCI收录。主编有关著作2部,其中1部在国外出版,参编专著16本,参编多部教材。
