

Lin Jun Jie (JJ Lin) , famous male singer, are born in Singapore in 1981. In 2003 launch the first individual creation titles "happy untonsured monk " for the first time , get novel achievement; Whose distinguished creation ability can be unfolded sufficiently in "Jiang Nan", "Cao Cao" ", JJ 6th " rank of much best-selling headquarter gramophone record title debuting afterwards; Lin Jun Jie returns back hereof at the same time, cut have won uncounted music Grand Prix , have become one of the most dazzling male singer of the Chinese language in the nowadays singing world.
林俊杰(JJ Lin),著名男歌手,1981年出生于新加坡。2003年首发第一张个人创作专辑《乐行者》,取得不俗成绩;其杰出的创作才能又在之后推出的《江南》、《曹操》、《JJ陆》等多部畅销唱片专辑中得以充分展现;于此同时,林俊杰还斩获了无数音乐大奖,成为当今华语歌坛最耀眼的男歌手之一。

JJ Lin Jun Jie puts up road glitteringly with different degree space music spirit image in 2003,afterwards, continuously have sent out "JJ 6th " "100 day " rank of big plate of the Chinese language , have become the young god of the Chinese language singing world boundary person worthy of the name gas. Clean smiling expression all over the face , little eye , the small dimple knowing well that, let JJ Lin Jun Jie appear on the scene to arouse scream spasmodically every time more, a fit whirlwind



第1个回答  2010-03-19
Born & bred in Singapore, currently residing in Taiwan.

We are all placed on earth to leave imprints on each others' lives.

Life is about creating something out of nothing, stick to it and keep working on it.

I make music...
I weave dreams...
I capture life...

I struggle, but I break free...
I fall, but I get up...
I rest, but I never stop...

I die, but I live forever...

No one can stop you unless you stop yourself, No one will push you unless you push yourself. The choice is yours.

我是... ...
土生土长的新加坡人 目前旅居台北

我喜欢... ...

我发现... ...
生活中难免陷入挣扎 却也因此而脱困
学习中难免遭遇失败 却也因此而成长
跋涉中偶尔需要休息 却永不停止前进

我感悟... ...
死亡终究会发生 但它无法阻止生命延续!

存在於彼此心中的烙印 牵连著万物中的每一个个体
生命源自於创造 透过永续经营 持之以恒


第2个回答  2010-03-20