为什么会有不定式?为什么会有不带to的不定式 ,


英语中,把“to do(动词原形)”结构叫做动词不定式.其中to作为小品词用,是动词不定式的标志.但在下列情况下,小品词to会被省略掉.
I can do it myself.我自己干得了.
Will you please close the window?请你关上窗户,好吗?
Hedidn’t go home last night.昨晚,他没有回家.
2、在see,watch,notice,look at,listen to,hear,feel等感官动词的后面作宾语补足语时.例如:
Did you see him come out of the hotel just now?你刚才看见他从旅馆出来了吗?
I heard her lock the door.我听见她锁了门.
He was noticed to enter the office.有人看见他进了办公室.
3、在 make,let,have等使役动词之后作宾语补足语时.例如:
She lets us meet her at the busstation.她要我们去汽车车站接她.
Don’t make the students do so much homework..别让学生做那么多的作业.
I was made to try it again.有人要我再试一次.
She helped her mother(to)cleanthe house yesterday afternoon.昨天下午,她帮助她母亲打扫屋子.
5、had better后的不定式符号to要省略.例如:
We hadbetter start now.我们最好立即动身.
You had better not talk in class.你最好别在课堂上说话.
6、would rather/sooner,rather/soonerthan 后的不定式符号to要省略.例如:
We would rather/sooner stay at home.我们宁可呆在家里.
Heprefers to drink some water rather/sooner than drink a coffee.他宁可喝些水,也不愿喝一杯咖啡.
7、“Why not ”结构中,紧随其后的动词不定式不带to.例如:
Why not ask theman over there?为什么不那边的这个人?
I wantyou to stand beside me and hold the stick.我想要你站在我身边扶住这根棍子.
He told me to finish my homework and(to)hand it in.他告诉我完成作业并把它交上去.
9、but 和 except跟在“do + anything/nothing/everything”后面时,通常与不带to的不定式连用.例如:
I coulddo nothing but lie down.我别无选择,只能躺下.
My petdog does everything except speak.我的宠物狗除了不能说话以外,什么事都会做.