
如果他继续做那种事,他最终会进监狱。(end up)
他决定向当地的一家银行申请一份兼职工作。(apply for)
我看见他正逃离现场。(see sb.doing sth.)
他提高了嗓门,以便大家能听清楚。(so that)
洪水导致上万人无家可归。(as a result of)
她努力让自己不掉眼泪。(hold back)
这项实验结果为以后的进一步研究铺平了道路。(pave the way for)
焦虑会影响孩子们在学校的表现。(interfere with)
我宁可走到哪里也不愿做公共汽车。(rather than)

如果他继续做那种事,他最终会进监狱。(end up)
If he keeps doing that, he will end up in a jail.

I pass the exam eventually after four fails.

他决定向当地的一家银行申请一份兼职工作。(apply for)
He decided to apply to a local bank for a parttime job

How can I reward your help?

我看见他正逃离现场。(see sb.doing sth.)
I see him escaping from the scene.

他提高了嗓门,以便大家能听清楚。(so that)
He spoke loudly so that everyone could hear him.

洪水导致上万人无家可归。(as a result of)
Over ten thousand of people lost their home as a result of the flood.

I won't go unless you tell me the truth.

她努力让自己不掉眼泪。(hold back)
She tried to hold back her tears.

She works silently for fifty years without any complaint.

Don't leave here until I come back.

这项实验结果为以后的进一步研究铺平了道路。(pave the way for)
The result of experiment paved the way for futher study in future.

He should be here by now.

焦虑会影响孩子们在学校的表现。(interfere with)
Anxiety could interfere with the children's performance in school.

我宁可走到哪里也不愿做公共汽车。(rather than)
I will walk there rather than taking bus.
第1个回答  2010-06-19
I will go unless tell me the truth.
Dont leave here until I came.
How can I reward your help?
第2个回答  2010-06-19
If he continues to do that, he will end up to jail.
After failed four times, I eventually passed the exam.
He decided to apply for a part-time job from a local bank.
How can I reward you for my help?
I saw he was fleeing the scene.
He raised his voice, so that we can hear clearly.
As a result of floods,amounts of people are homeless.
Unless you tell me the truth, I do not go.
She tried to hold back her tears.
She worked quietly in fifty years , without complaint.
You do not leave until I come.
The experimental results pave the way for further research.
By now he should have arrived.
Anxiety can interfere with children's performance in school.
I'd rather walk there than take the bus.
第3个回答  2010-06-19
If he continued to do that kind of business, he would end up in jail.
Having failed for four times, I eventually passed the exam.
He decided to apply for a part-time job at a local bank.
How can I reward your help to me?
I saw him escaping from the scene.
He raised his voice so that people can hear clearly.
As a result of the flood, thousands of people lost their homes.
I will not leave unless you tell me the truth.
She tried hard to hold back her tears.
She has worked for fifty years without complaints.
You should not leave until I come.
The result of this experiment paved the way for further research.
He should have arrived by this moment.
Anxiety can interfere with children's performance at school.
I rather walk there than take a bus.