根据汉语提示完成下列句子 满分10分小题1:为了防止疾病传播扩散,建议有的水源均需经过彻底检测。 To pre

根据汉语提示完成下列句子 满分10分小题1:为了防止疾病传播扩散,建议有的水源均需经过彻底检测。 To prevent the disease from spreading, it’s suggested that the source of all the water supplies ________ _______ thoroughly ____________小题2:值得称赞的是,他代表学校在英语演讲比赛中获得第一名。 _______ _______ __________, he got the first place in the English competition, representing his school.小题3:青少年总是渴望挣脱父母的束缚。 Teenagers are looking forward to____________ ________ _________ their parents.小题4:我不明白他的解释。I can’t ___________ __________ _________ his explanation.小题5:伦敦每年都以其众多的博物馆和历史建筑吸成千上万的游客。 London ______ thousands of tourists ___ its museums and historical architecture.小题6:出于方便考虑,我们最终买下这座房子, 它离学校和超市都很近。 We finally bought the house _________ _______________. It’s near both thesupermarket and the school.小题7:英国实际上包含了四个国家,其中英格兰是最大的一个。 The UK actually ____________ ______ four countries, of which England is thelargest one.小题8:他的私人医生很快就为他找到一种新的治疗方法。In no time his personal physician found a new ___________ ______ his disease.                

小题1:should be examined
小题2:To his credit
小题3:breaking away from
小题4:make sense of
小题5:attracts with
小题6:for convenience
小题7:consists of
小题8:cure for

小题1:it’s suggested后面的句子使用虚拟语气(should)+动词原形。根据意思使用被动的形式。
小题2:固定词组to one’s credit值得称赞的是。
小题3:固定词组摆脱:break away from。
小题4:固定词组理解,搞清楚:make sense of
小题7:固定词组:由…组成:consist of
小题8:名词治愈:cure. For表示为了,后面接对象。