

在一家服装店里英语说法:in a clothing store.

服装相关的短语:clothes 衣服,服装;wardrobe 服装;clothing 服装;habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装;ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣;garments 外衣;town clothes 外衣;double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣;suit 男外衣;dress 女服;tailored suit 女式西服;everyday clothes 便服;three-piece suit 三件套;trousseau 嫁妆等。

服装店相关语句:May I try this pair of shoes on?我能试试这双鞋吗?I don't think this coat fit me.我觉得这件外套不合身.These clothes don't match you.这身衣服跟你不搭配。This pair of shoes is very stylish and not very expensive.这双鞋子非常时尚而且不贵。 I just want to buy a pair of trousers.我只想买条裤子。
